79. The Escape Plan

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After Su Moye left the office with Feng Jiu's cookies, Dong Hua stared at Feng Jiu.

"How many more cookies do you have, Xiao Bai?" Dong Hua asked. He felt upset that Feng Jiu didn't give him her extra cookies.

"Oh, that's all I have. I wanted to save the last packet for myself, but I guess I could always make more." Feng Jiu smiled.

"Oh." Dong Hua replied coldly. Then he buried his head into his laptop, trying to hide the fact that he was feeling jealous and upset.

Feng Jiu also didn't notice that he was acting differently since she was so focused on drawing her new drafts. She thought to herself, "The drafts submission would be at mid-Jan, so I'll definitely make it in time."

Then she asked Dong Hua, "What are you doing on the New Years' Eve?" Dong Hua looked up at her and replied, "Probably just stay home and do some work. Why are you asking?"

Feng Jiu wheeled herself over to Dong Hua's desk and leaned over it. "Well, my friends and I reserved a small private room for some hotpot session. We usually do that on birthdays or celebrations. I was just wondering if you would like to come. I'll invite Si Ming and Lian Song too."

"Oh? I think it has been years since I last ate hotpot. It's weird to eat it alone too. I guess I could join you since I don't have any plans on that day too." Dong Hua replied casually.

Feng Jiu smiled brightly and replied, "Okay! I'll count you in! So it would be at 6 PM, and I'll text you the address." Then she thought to herself, "Well, the last time Dong Hua ate hotpot was just months ago, not years. Too bad he didn't remember any of that since we all had so much fun at that time."

"Okay, Xiao Bai. Do I need to bring any gifts? I have never been to a gathering like that." Dong Hua asked curiously.

"No! Just bring yourself!" Feng Jiu smiled. Dong Hua then replied sarcastically, "I better bring my wallet too in case this glutton ate too much." Then he smiled.

"Hmph! I'll definitely eat until you're bankrupt then." Feng Jiu pouted.

"Fine, fine. Eat all you want, and I'll pay for the whole bill including your friends. I need to make a good first impression too." Dong Hua replied confidently.

"Oh? Trying to win over my friends already? They better not replace me in your heart!" Feng Jiu spoke without thinking. Dong Hua immediately thought to himself, "In my heart...? Of course it wouldn't ever happen. She's the only one. Is Xiao Bai testing me? The Pick-up chicks 101 did mention something like this."

Dong Hua calmed himself down and replied, "No one could ever replace you in my heart, Xiao Bai. You're the only one."

Feng Jiu blushed and quickly wheeled herself back to her desk. "Is this a confession?" Then she replied shyly, "Good to know."

"And you won't allow someone else to replace me in your heart, right?" Dong Hua quickly bowed his head since he was afraid to hear the answer.

"I won't. You're important to me." Feng Jiu smiled. Dong Hua also smiled back and replied, "Good to know."

Then they both blushed and tried to hide their face from each other. Eventually, they also went back to work as they have a lot to finish.


Feng Jiu received a text message from Su Moye before she ended work.

Su Moye: Hey, Feng Jiu. I have some news about Yu Xi. So I just had a meeting with her dad, and I tried to convince him that I was keen on the engagement. He briefly mentioned that Yu Xi is now staying at their mansion, and I said that I wanted to meet her tomorrow. It went better than what I expected, and he agreed to it immediately. Tomorrow might be our only chance to save Yu Xi.

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