76. Heavenly Cookies

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Monday arrived, Feng Jiu happily skipped into her office after spending a sweet Christmas with Dong Hua. She started packing her stuff to prepare to move up to Dong Hua's office. At this point, she couldn't care much about what others would say. Her main focus was to get into the competition and to win it for Ye Qingti.

Si Ming walked into the office, and he noticed Feng Jiu humming her favourite song. "Wow, Feng Jiu. It's been long since I last saw you this happy. Any good news?"

Feng Jiu smiled warmly and replied, "Yes! I got into the upcoming competition, and Dong Hua said that he would personally mentor me for it as well."

"What?! I can't believe Dong Hua is doing that since he's usually very busy. Wait. Why are you packing up?" Si Ming exclaimed.

At this moment, Chong Lin walked into their office. "Do you need my help, Feng Jiu?" He asked. Feng Jiu shook her head and replied, "No! I'm all done here. Let's head up to the office now."

Si Ming held Feng Jiu back and asked confusedly, "Where are you moving to?" Feng Jiu then smiled and replied, "Oh! Dong Hua didn't inform you yet? I'm moving to his office temporarily until the competition is over."

"What?! You're moving to Dong Hua's office?!" Si Ming exclaimed. Xiao Yan also stood up and exclaimed loudly, "You're moving to Dong Hua's office?!" Then Jie Lu also stood up and said the same thing since they were all in shock. Everyone else in the office overheard them talking, and Feng Jiu quickly hid her face and shushed them.

"Don't be so loud! Now everyone would know that I'm moving to Dong Hua's office. Don't misunderstand; I'm only working as his personal assistant temporarily. I will be back after the Architecture Design Competition is over." Feng Jiu whispered to her friends.

Then she quickly left the office as everyone was staring at her.


After Feng Jiu left the office, many of her co-workers took out their phones and logged onto the forum.

(Min Su) MiniSu14: Ice Monk and Top Beauty FJ are officially dating. I heard from a friend in the Design Department that she even moved up to Ice Monk's office.

GuardsSeizeThem123: Oh! That's why Ice Monk got some contractors to move stuff into his office. Early this morning, they even delivered a new work desk to his office.

KeyboardWarrior748: I guess we have a winner then! It's Top Beauty FJ!

AntiJH184: If I was Chao Ji Hen, I'll definitely pack up and leave Tai Chen Group. I'll be too embarrassed to stay here!

PaparazziPizza29: Can't wait for them to announce their marriage!

At this moment, Ji Heng logged onto the forum, and she screamed internally in her office upon seeing what happened. She bitterly thought to herself, "They are officially dating now?! I can't let this happen. I need to do something." Then she decided to start false rumours again.

(Ji Heng) BarbieGirl126: I need to be honest with everyone; I saw Top Beauty FJ kissing Fire Flower (Su Moye). I was out with some friends on Christmas Day, and I saw them dating.

NosyAunty174: BarbieGirl126 should just shut up. How many times had she fed us with false information? I don't believe a word she says.

DaZuiBa99: Yeah, me too. The first time was the fake picture of Xiao Yan and Top Beauty FJ and now this. Pictures could lie also!

Hater74: At least it's proven that Top Beauty FJ moved up to Ice Monk's office. I checked with my friends from the top management office, and they confirm that it's true.

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