10. A new mindset

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It's time for a change, don't you think?


Harin's P.O.V

"Good morning!" I chirped happily as I walked out of my house,noticing Jimin waiting for me at the front gate.

"Someone's in a good mood today,I see..." He kept on yawning,his body slightly leaning on the wall and his eyelids threatening to close any second.

"And someone looks like he pulled an all nighter," I giggled at his messy bed hair as I ran my fingers through it,trying to make it look presentable, "Seriously, what did you do yesterday?"

"I didn't do anything, you woke me up today two hours earlier than usual," He whined like a small child,I just rolled my eyes in amusement.

"What happened to your lazy ass always preferring the bus over walking?"

"Why? Can't I have a change once in a while?" I spat back as he raised his hands in defense.

"Well,just saying.."He said, "Besides,where's Tae? He's not coming today?"

"No," I quickly responded, "He stayed over at Sooyeon's yesterday, apparently she was sick."

I briefly explained to him as he seemed to go silent after my words.He gave me a concerned look but didn't say a word,he didn't have to. I knew what that look was for.

"I'm fine,really," I gave him a soft smile as he raised his eyebrow, "Actually,I've decided to stop all of this."

"What do you mean?" He seemed fully awake now,staring at me. I took a deep breath before speaking as I turned around a looked at the beautiful serene sky.

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