02. Upside down

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I wish I were little again because skinned knees are easier to fix than a broken heart...


My eyes were still glazed with a glassy layer of tears and as soon as I blinked they slid down my cheeks.

That's what they've been doing for the past hour.

As much as I want to stop I can't seem to.

They just rush out more ferociously.

But as usual , no one seems to notice my pain but me.

Not even Taehyung .

It's always been this way and I don't expect it to change any time soon.

I cry my heart out almost every night and pull myself together in the morning.

Yeah...I always pull myself to standing...I always can.

I'm used to it at this point.


...how much longer would I be able to endure all of this?

The eerie silent tears and my short meditation to my toxic thoughts came to an end as the buzzer of my phone went off again.

Probably for the tenth time by now.

Whoever was calling must be in some kind of emergency but I couldn't even bother to care at this moment.

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