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So I changed a tiny detail of the attack on chapter 15. So if you get any confusion in the further chapters that's because of my tiny change. If you want to check it it's in the flashback part


Harry couldn't sleep. No amount of counting sheep or counting till hundred was doing the trick so he decided to go sit in the common room.

He quietly got out of his bed without disturbing Ron and the marauders who were sleeping peacefully, except for some reason Sirius and Remus were in the same bed. He pretended to not notice it and quietly closed the door behind him as he tiptoed down the stairs.

The only thing lighting up the common room was the fire in the fireplace.

He sat on one of the chairs and stared at the burning red-orange flame.

Suddenly, he heard someone coming down the stairs, he tightened the grip on his wand subconsciously and waited for the footsteps to stop

When the person coming down came face to face with him, he realized it was Ginny.

" Harry? " she asked unsure why her friend was sitting alone in the common room in the middle of the night

" Hey " he smiled faintly at her

" What are you doing here? "

" I couldn't sleep so thought I'd sit here for some time," he said as he stretched his legs

" Nightmares? "

" No... Just a weird feeling " he answered

Ginny walked towards him and sat beside him

" What are you doing here? " he asked her

" Couldn't sleep either. Guess I shouldn't have slept through potions and Herbelogy today " she grinned at him

He let out a chuckle.

" Are you alright? " She asked, her face masked with concern

" I - I don't know "

" What do you mean I don't know? "

" It's - It's just..... you know just - I mean we are in our future and seeing all these changes it's just weird. It feels like we're out of time "

" We are out of time Harry. And all of this is gonna end once professor finds a time-turner "

" Yeah but that's the thing. I'm getting this weird feeling that getting a time turner won't be that easy. There's something else going on in this timeline. Something terrible "

Ginny stayed silent. She would be lying if she said she didn't felt the same. In fact, she's been feeling like this since the attack.

" I know what you mean Harry. Two weeks have already passed after that attack and since then everything has been too quiet - "

" It's like a calm before a storm," he said while looking into her eyes

Ginny nodded.

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