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Hogsmeade was usually quiet and peaceful during the school time. Mostly one or two aurors patrolling around and few older wizards here and there . But today being Sunday it was filled with Hogwarts students from third year to seventh year. The younger students mostly in three broomsticks while the older in hogs head.

Inside hogs head at the corner most table a man wearing tattered clothes was looking here and there waiting for someone. He didn't order anything and was rocking back and forth in his chair. After sometime a man wearing black cloak entered the room and went towards the corner most table and quietly sat down without drawing any suspicion .

" You're late " the man in tattered clothes said

" You didn't order anything? " the other man asked as he removed his cloak to show his handsome face

" I'm not here for drinks "

" There's no harm in one drink " the handsome man called the waiter " One Firewiskey and what about you? "

" Just gillywater " the waiter took the order and went away.

" Hmm,  lighten up a little Butch "

The man named butch scoffed
" Let's get straight to the topic Charles.  One of my men has given me information about  a time turner found by an Auror . Said even the ministry doesn't knows about it "

" Hmm, interesting " Charles smiled at butch. Even though he had a handsome face his smile was sinister. His calm blue eyes would become stormy in a split second making people believe that he had split personality.

"  Why does an Auror need a time turner and even if he/she found it by accident it should be returned to the ministry . "

" If we could get hold of that time turner then we can accomplish our mission! " butch said excitedly

" Calm down.  Patience. We have prepared the army for this day,  the day we can bring back our Lord.  The Dark Lord. From now on whatever we will do we must do it cautiously otherwise all our plan, our hard work everything will be useless "

" Yes I understand . The day our dark lord will return everything would be like before  ."

"  Hmm. Any information from the spies at Hogwarts? "

"  Nothing special. Just few transfer students joined this year "

"  Transfer students? Tell the spies to keep an eye on them. Mistakes won't be tolerated . Ah!  Here are our drinks! " Charles said with his charming smile which again became sinister as soon as the waiter left them

" By the way who is that Auror that has the time turner ? " Charles asked

"  The Head Auror Harry Potter "

"  The minister of magic is his mudblood best friend Hermione Granger Weasly. Why would he keep the time turner as a secret? Unless  its for a matter that should be hidden from the ministry "

"  What do think he's upto?  Do you think he knows about our plans? "

" Potter is way too oblivious for that and even if there was such a matter our spies would have informed us. It's that mudblood minister we should be careful of " Charles said in anger

" As soon as our dark lord rises again she would be crucioed to her death and that potter would be killed too . And then the wizarding world would be his "

" How is the progression of step 2? "

" Would be completed in few days "

" Good . Very good . Finally the real fun is going to start and not even that potter can stop me now.  If he intervenes between my plans I'll kill him without any hesitation. " Charles said with his cold eyes and sinister smile as he clicked his glass with butch's

" To the future "

" To Voldemort "


I followed Scorpius as he rushed down towards the dungeon

" Scorpius wait! "
He didn't hear me and continued running towards the Slytherin dormitory.
I finally caught up with him outside the common room
" Scorpius.. "

" Albus leave me alone "

Albus was hurt. His best friend never called him albus ,always Al or potter except for when he would become really angry which was very rare or when he was really hurt.
" I'm sorry on behalf of rose "

" It's......its fine . D... doesn't matter to me "  he said while hiccuping

I patted his back
" There there . Let's go inside "

Both of us went inside and I got a glass from the room and both of us sat near the fireplace

" Aquamenti " I said and gave the glass to him. He gulped down the entire glass and kept it beside him.

"  You good? "

" Hmm "

" Wanna talk about it  ?" I asked him gently

"  What's there to talk about it.  I don't care what those transfer students think about me but I care about what rose thinks about me. " he almost shouted

Thankfully the common room was empty as most of the students were at hogsmeade and the rest in classrooms

"  What if rose didn't say those things willingly? "

" What do you mean?  " he asked

" What if it was her plan so that both of us won't come with her. I mean she knows that offending you means messing with me which people usually avoid maybe that's why rose said that to you. I think she's keeping a huge secret from both of us "

" You really think that?  I mean you sure have a point and I think that the secret is related to the transfer students! " Scorpius said with a surprised look

" It could be possible. There's only one way to find out the truth "

"  She must have reached hogsmeade by now and the caretaker is guarding the corridors "

"  You know I'm a potter right?  I stole the invisibility cloak from James. "

" Then let's go Potter "

We stood up and I brought the invisibility cloak from my room and both of us went to Hogsmeade through one of the hidden passageways

Rose whatever you are hiding we'll definitely find out and if those weird transfer students are troubling you then don't worry your friends would never abandon you. But I really hope your secret is worth your friend's tears cause if not I'll never speak with you again.


Yes this chapter is shorter than the previous one. I thought of adding few things from the next chapter but that would have made this chapter way too long.

Mostly the fan fics I've read about time travel mostly shows they time travelled, their parents in younger version became shocked after knowing the future, their parents from future scold them ( in most cases James) for messing with time and they go back after erasing the memories.

I always searched for such stories where there is a villain but couldn't find one. So I decided to write my own villain who is evil but smart . I hope you liked the chapter guys .

Thank you for reading the chapter and please comment if you are really liking the story because sometimes I seriously get worried if you guys are even liking it or not 😅😅

Can't promise you all the next update maybe before June 10 I guess. Let's see . Anyways thank you so much for 657 reads ❤❤❤❤

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