Chapter 10 - Marriage

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{A/N this is gonna be a short chapter. Well, shorter than the usual ones. Plus, I wanna apologize for making a mistake. I said Craig (Blackbeard) was Delta Force, which he is not. He's a Navy SEAL. I went back and corrected those mistakes, but let me know if I missed anything. Anyway, enjoy!}

This is it...I'm really getting married. I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. A few years ago, I only had a single girlfriend, and she sucked. But then I got together with Meru and now I'm here.

Uncle Buck is in my room helping me get ready while Mom and Aunt Meghan help Meru. Uncle Buck walks in with his own suit and tie, looking me up and down before walking up to me. He begins adjusting my tie before he starts talking.

"You nervous?"

"Yes sir. No amount of training could prepare me for this..." I say with a nervous chuckle. Uncle Buck returns the chuckle before continuing.

"Son, that girl loves you more than oxygen. You've got nothing to worry about. If anything, you gotta worry about Alexandr getting too drunk at the after-party!" Uncle Buck heartily laughs, causing me to give another chuckle. He then rests his hand on my shoulder.

"You're gonna be alright, kid. I just wish Craig were here to do this. But I know he's damn proud of you." Uncle Buck gives me a smile after saying that. I will admit, I wish Dad was here too...but he's gone and I can't dwell on that. He's somewhere better. And the fact I had Team Rainbow here made it better. I give Uncle Buck one last genuine smile before Uncle Alexandr bursts in.

"COMRADE Y/N! I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU, MY FRIEND! WE SHALL CELEBRATE WITH DRINKING AND SONG!" He says in a slur, already clearly drunk. Uncle Buck begins to chastise him as Uncle Alexandr just laughs and says he'll behave during the reception. I can't help but to smile, knowing these men and women around me are here to stay.

Meru POV

Okay, I'm REALLY freaking out! Mom and Aunt Meghan have been helping me get my wedding dress put on and making sure it looked perfect. It wasn't anything fancy, just a nice white dress and a small veil. felt a little tight in the chest area. I tell Mom about the wardrobe issue and she immediately rushes out to go grab someone. Within minutes, Mom comes back in with Zofia, carrying a sewing kit.

"Where does it feel tight at, kochanie?" She asks. I nervously tell her that my chest was a little squished before she gets to work. It took almost as long for her to get here before she wipes her forehead, saying it was done. And, yeah! It felt perfect! I thank her before Mom asks all the other ladies to take five. As the ladies leave, Mom looks at me.

"Let the disguise down, please." She asks me. I do so immediately and Mom puts her hands on my cheeks, pressing her forehead against my horns.

"Meru...please, take care of my son. He's doing something very dangerous, but that's in his blood. Be the woman he can go to when things get rough and the woman he can tell his troubles to. I ask this as his mother and yours...take care of my boy..." She pleads. I already had the perfect answer.

"I can't promise that, Mom..." I tell her. She gives me a confused look before I continue.

"You know how Y/N is. He's reserved, introverted, and goofy as hell. I can't promise to always make him happy, but I can promise to love him for the rest of my life. I can promise to always be there for him, even if he doesn't want me there. I promise to be a wife to your son that you can tell your friends about with pride." I finish as I give her a smile. Mom begins to tear up and hugs me tightly, thanking me in-between sobs. Just as Mom begins to pull herself back together, we hear a knock on the door.

"Ladies? 10 minutes until showtime." A male French voice calls.

"Understood, Gustave. Thank you." Mom says to Mr. Gustave. He prefers Doc, but we call him by his name just to give him grief.

"You ready, honey?" Mom asks me. I give her a nod and we both exit the room, making our way to the car that we will take to the mess hall, which has been repurposed as a makeshift chapel.


I give a quick sigh, hoping it will calm my nerves. Spoiler alert, it didn't. I look into the crowd to see every operator in attendance. Well, everyone except Lion. He'd rather stay locked in his room, but they fine by me. Guy's always been a dick. I look behind me to see my best man, Uncle Buck and my other friends Alexandr, Mike, Mark, and Glaz. Some give me nods while others give me a thumbs-up. I sigh again, realizing that Meru should be here any minute now. Just before I can assure that my heart was about to explode from anticipation, I hear the familiar wedding tune play...

I see the Mess Hall doors open as Uncle Seamus has Meru wrapped around his arm. It made sense, since he was the oldest and saw Meru as a daughter just like Mom did. And I can say Meru saw the old Brit like a Dad. Admittedly, I admired the man like one as well. They begin slowly walking up to me and Doc, who decided to be the priest for us, a veil covering Meru's face so I couldn't quite see her yet. But that dress...she looked stunning. I can only imagine what she looks like under that veil. Seamus and Meru arrived to the front, Seamus giving her a hug and Meru returning it. Meru then walks up and stands in front of me. I pull back her veil, only to see the most beautiful sight I've ever laid eyes on. Even though she was disguised, her crystal blue eyes were sparkling as I started into them. Her lips were full and glossy from the make up Mom and Aunt Meghan applied, and her face was glowing from the make up as well. I don't think there was any woman as beautiful as her...

"Shall we begin the vows?" Doc asked me. I nod towards him as he begins.

"We are gathered here today to celebrate these two consummating their love for one another. In these dark days, a day like today makes all of the hardships worth it. The rings?" He asks as Grace brings us the rings. I thank her and take them in my hands.

"The golden band, symbolizing the eternal love you two share. The gold symbolizing the purity and value of it as well. Now, I must ask-" Doc says as he turns to me first.

"-do you, Y/N L/N, take Meru to be your lawfully wedded wife? To care for in sickness and in health? Through strife and joyus occasions?" He asks.

"I do..." I affirm with a smile.

"And do you, Meru L/N, take Y/N to be your lawfully wedded husband? To care for in sickness and in health? Through strife and joyous occasion?" He asks my fiancee.

"I do..." She says, making my heart almost fly from my chest.

"Then, by the power vested in me, I pronouce you Husband and Wife! You may kiss the bride." Doc finishes. I lean in to kiss Meru, but she grabs my cheeks and slams her lips into mine, sealing the deal. Meru L/N is now my wife...and I will always be there for her. The crowd cheers as we kiss and champagne is sprayed everywhere as we make our way out of the Mess Hall. But before we leave, Meru takes her bouquet in both hands, throwing it behind her as the many women in the audience grab for it. And it looks like Ela was next in line for a husband. I smile at this little fact as Meru and I make our way out, laughing as we run through the halls towards my room.

"Is it too early for a honeymoon?" I ask Meru

"No such thing, my husband!" She affirms as we both giggle all the way to my room.

A/N *pops party streamers* WOHOO! Congratulations on your marriage! Sorry if I got some things wrong, I've only ever been to 3 marriages and they were all before I was 10 years old. But! I have a vote for you guys!

1.)Do you guys want to have a baby?
2.) If so, what gender?

Hope you guys liked this short little chapter. Next Chapter will be Chapter 11 - First Assignment. Hope you are looking forward to it, because I know I am!

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