Chapter 13 : Finding Them

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Max's P.O.V

When Charlotte said that she know who toke my siblings , we immedietly look at her,

" Who?! " We all ask her.

" It's obvious you guys , It's Techno Man , and we can ask the manegment of the mall to look at the CCTV cameras and locate them where. "  Charlotte answered , I then gave Phoebe a smirk.

" What are you thinking Max ? " Phoenbe ask and roll  her eyes.

" I can locate them , 'cause I may or may not put a GPS on Nora's bow. " I answered still smirking.

" You did what ?! " Pheoebe shouted at me.

" I'm going to deal with Max later , but now , we're going to find your brother and sister. " Dad said , so we then go out in the mall and get inside our rental car.

When we get in the Junk 'N Stuff we directly get in the elevator , and of course me , Phoebe , dad , mom , Charlotte , and Henry shouted inside the elevator. So when we arrive at the  Man Cave. We all go near the computer.

" Go to the computer Max , locate Nora and Billy. " Ray said , I then directly seat on the blue colored chair.

Red line 234 Street. Was in the screen I then directly put it on my notes on my phone.

" That's a weird place ,  I never heard of that place before. "  Charlotte said.

" It's not weird  I actually saw that street , and it's also near here in Junk 'N Stuff . " Ray said.

" So let's go find my siblings! " Phoebe excalaimed.

" And we will , now let's go. " Dad said so when dad said that me and Phoebe then use our powers  to get into our supersuit.

When we arrive in the place , I didn't saw Phoebe or my parents or Captain Man and Kid Danger.

" Max! " I heard someone yelled but I can't see who it was.

" Phoebe?! Mom ?! Dad?!  Where are you ?! " I yelled , I then felt someone hold my hands and drag me.

When I open my eyes , I saw mom , dad , Phoebe , Nora, and Billy being tied into a place.

" Pst! Phoebe! " Iwhisper yelled.

" Max?! " She whisper yelled.

" We better get out of here , we need to capture Techno Man. " 

" I'm sorry ? You're going to capture me? But , I think it's the other way around huh ? "  A man with a brunette hair and green eyes , and with a suit that a have a T.M on it said.

" Who are you ? " Phoenbe ask since , our parents and siblings are asleep  I then started waking them up by shaking the pole by using the rope that's tide around us/.

" I'm Techno Man the one who did all of the things in Metroburg , but little Maximus here knows things. And oh! Don't even try to use any of your powers because , if you will , you will get electrified. "  Techno Man said I then  gave Phoebe a worried look while Techno Man leave.

" What are we going to do ? We can't use our powers Max , " Phoebe  said.

" Our onlyu hope is Captain Man and Kid Danger. " I replied , I admit  yeah I  wanted to become a villain but ,  it's my life and family and  I wanted  my younger siblings alive.

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