Chapter 2 : Go Kick Some Villains

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Here is the edited 2nd chapter.


Max's p.o.v

We got in our mini van  when we get in , my parents we're already in their super suit also  we're going to Metroburg.

"    Kids you may want to change into your super suit , we're going to talk to the super hero council about Techno Man. "  Mom said , so me , Phoebe , Nora , and Billy do something  to our powers so now we're already in  our super suit.

" Mom you have me ,  I can locate Techno Man. "  I told her.

"  No Max not again with that after talking  to the  super hero council  we will  unhipnotize the people who are  hipnotize. " 

" But  we can't  just unhipnotize them , we need to  beat them into a fight. "  Dad said.

"  So you mean that the hipnotize  people are like the guns of that Crazy Techno Man? "  Phoebe ask Dad.

" Yes Phoebe ,  that's why Captain Man and us are handaling this situtation. "  Mom said.


I have a shock look all of us  actually , because all of  the people  in their  look like zombies  like literally!

" Oh My Gosh! This is horrible! "  Phoebe coo'd in horror.

"  Yeah really horrible. " I  coo'd.

" Alright ,  now everybody be calm. Now Thunder twins , you both need to work  together. "  Dad said so  me and Phoebe nodded.

" And you Speed Boy and Laser Girl you go a long with us , now everybody get ready. "  We all nodded  as soon Dad said that we all get ready.

" YOU.ARE.GOING.TOBE.ONE.OF.US! "  One of the  zombies said ,  I then  use my  heath breath to the  zombie and poof! He's now a dust.

" Phoebe use your freeze breath,  or your heath breath  to make them a dust. "  I told my  twin sister , she then nodded  and when she spotted three of them Phoebe use her telekinesis  and heath breath and then they turn into dust.

" Alright Billy , go get Max's loptap  at home because I have  the flash drive to unhipnotize them. "  Mom said to Billy so Billy run at home and get my loptap.

" Here Mom. "  Billy said  I then notice that five zombies are  coming near to Billy ,  I then use my heath breath and they turn into dust.

"  Ok Max insert the flash drive , so when you open it you're going to delete  it after deleting they won't remember anything . "  Mom said  Ithen do my thing on  my loptap after few hours people are back to normal.

" But what about the people who become dust  ?"  Nora ask Mom and Dad.

"They're in superhero  council right now , because they just become dust not dead. "  Mom told her.

" And now since we're done here ,  we're going to Swillview. " Dad told us. So of course we change into our normal clothes.

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