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By the time Arthit reached the destination it was too late. The place was deserted, Arthit looked around while crying at the abandoned wedding area.

He didn't know how he's gonna face Tine now, he screamed as he fell on his knees. He fell for his sister's trick once again and this time, everything was over.

"I'm sorry....." Arthit whispers while looking around.

"Finally your here"

Arthit stopped sobbing and looked up, Kongpop was standing in front of him glaring at him. Arthit was feeling numb when he was Kongpop in the tuxedo

"Aren't you gonna congratulate me now? Didn't you come to see if I'm married or not??" Kongpop shouted at Arthit in anger

"I'm sorry, I messed it up once again. T...Tine...I'm sorry" Arthit cries as he imagine the amount of pain the younger might be going through right now

Kongpop grabs Arthit's shoulder and shakes him in frustration "Even after everything you are worried about Others!!! What about me??"

"I'm Sorry.... this was not supposed to happen.... I was supposed to be there instead of Tine but I..... because of me Tine......" Arthit started crying as he wondered how he lost two most important people in his life just within a few hours.

"I'm sorry! It's all my fault.... only mine, it's all my plan but I ruined it......" Arthit whispers

"You're supposed to be there instead of Tine??" Kongpop shouts in shock, he turns pale as he suddenly realizes what Arthit was talking about.

Arthit told him everything while crying, Kongpop's face turned pale once he realised what Arthit had planned with Tine.

"I'm sorry.... I just want to trick you into your own plan but it backfired on me... and now Tine..."

"P'Arthit!!! Did you realise how much of a risk you took??? That also with Tine's life??" Kongpop shouted in anger

Kongpop was angry with Tine at that time and didn't have sympathy for him when the oaths were taken but now he realised he made a huge mistake.

"I'm sorry....I'm really sorry! I lost you! I lost Tine both! Please forgive me" Arthit was sobbing

"Phee.... I didn't marry Tine..." Kongpop whispers, Arthit looks at Kongpop in confusion

Kongpop was about to go to alter when Sarawat came inside the room, Kongpop was surprised to see Sarawat


"Phee! Please don't marry Tine! I beg you!"

Kongpop's eyes widen when he saw Sarawat on his knee, Sarawat was crying as he begs Kongpop

"Please Phee! I will do whatever you want just don't take away my Tine!"

At the moment Kongpop was in shock, he didn't know what to do. There was a perfect opportunity in front of him to escape the marriage but then he felt worried for Tine.

Kongpop was about to say no but then he changed his mind "Do you really want Tine?"

Kongpop asked Sarawat, Sarawat nodded quickly "Then will you do as I say?" Kongpop asked carefully.

Kongpop was feeling he was doing it wrong but at that moment he didn't care, all he could think was how even Tine betrayed him at the last moment.

"Whatever you tell me! I will do it!" Sarawat replies.

"Then, take my place and marry Tine"

Everyone was shocked once the curtains fell down, Sarawat was holding Tine. Sarawat's parent and Tine's dad couldn't believe their eyes as for Type he was stunned.

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