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Sunday (2nd Week about to end)

Tine woke up early as he couldn't sleep, he turned around to look at the person sleeping next to him. Sarawat was spooning him and his hands wrapped around Tine's waist.

Sarawat looked so calm as he slept, this week was full of meetings, sudden projects and problems in departments. Tine smiles as he gently touches Sarawat's cheek.

Sarawat frowns and tries to remove Tine's hand, Tine stares Sarawat for one last time before he sits and kisses Sarawat's forehead. He grabs his clothes and goes to take a bath in the guest room.

Sarawat woke up when he heard a faint sound of guitar, he listened to sound and walked into the living room where he found Tine playing Guitar.

Tine was playing it off the beat and looked up at Sarawat who was standing at the door with his arm folded at his chest.

"Where you find the guitar?" Sarawat asked as he walked towards Tine and sat next to him.

"Was cleaning the store room when I saw it, want me to play something for you?" Tine asked with a big smile on his face.

"You can play? I still remember you would struggle at chord C and would come crying to me" Sarawat teases Tine as they remember their college days.

"Don't tease me! I can play!" Tine pouts as he tunes the guitar while glaring Sarawat, Sarawat chuckles at Tine's action and ruffles Tine's hair.

Suddenly there was an awkward silence when Sarawat realised what he was doing and pulled his hand away. 

"What do you want to hear?" Tine asked, trying to make things normal again.

"Um..anything is fine.."

Tine nodded and started singing along playing the guitar.

I've never thought that we would haven't a good day that we are still here
I suddenly felt since we first met that there seemed to be something 
When we talked, I somehow knew and saw that there was something meaningful 

Time stares Sarawat who is looking at the ground and smiles sadly.

There was probably something between us that connected us together
We both understood so easily 
It was different from other people. It was significant 

Tine stops singing when he notices Sarawat not paying attention to him and sighs.

"I shall make breakfast for us" Tine leaves the guitar on the sofa before going to kitchen


Arthit was pissed, here he was sitting in the expensive looking restaurant at 1pm waiting for a client when he could have been in his room, sleeping peacefully.

Kongpop chuckles when he sees an irritated expression of Arthit and takes a sip of his espresso.

"Why are they late?" Arthit mumbles as he checks the time in his phone.

"Might be on the way" Kongpop replies in amusement.

"Kongpop! Is there actually any meeting or you're just fooling me?" Arthit asked in annoyance.

"Oh, what do you mean by fooling you?" Kongpop asked innocently 

"Tricking me to come here with you" 

"It's good idea but unfortunately we actually came here for lunch meeting" 

Arthit was glaring at Kongpop who was giving him a teasing smile when the client arrived and took the seat.

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