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Yoo! My little sadists! Come, enjoy the new chapter.....



Tine was emotionally messed, even though he challenged Sarawat he knew that it's impossible to make Sarawat return his love. Tine knew Sarawat since they were kids, He always believed that Sarawat liked him too that's why he said yes for marriage.

He left Sarawat's home without telling anyone, he was walking without any idea where he was going. Suddenly it started raining, everyone around him rushed to find shelter while Tine extended his hand. 

The raindrop hits his hands making him laugh, he laughs till he couldn't laugh anymore and he doesn't know when he ends up crying. He falls on the ground and screams in pain, Tine clutches his hair as he cries.

His phone rings but he ignores it, he looks at the ground as his vision blurs. Suddenly the rain stopped falling on him, Tine looked up and saw Phukong and Mil standing holding umbrellas.

"P'Tine" Phukong whispers, he bends down and hugs him tightly, not caring that his own clothes are getting wet.

"Am I disgusting?" Tine asked. His eyes were full of tears, his face was pale and he was shivering.

"No Phee!" Even Phukong was crying now. Mil was distressed, he didn't know how to handle both the boys.

"Let's go home, Rain is getting worse" Mil helps Phukong to carry Tine in the car. Phukong sat in the back seat with Tine.

"I don't want to go home" Tine whispers while shivering.

"I will drive to my home" Phuknog nods and hugs Tine while rubbing his back.

Mil stood at the door and watched Phukong caressing Tine's hair. After making sure that Tine was asleep, Phukong covers Tine with a blanket before leaving the room.

"Is he feeling better now?" Mil asked, Phukong wraps his arm around Mil's neck and leans on him. Mil wraps his arm around him and pats his back.

"Don't ever do this to me" He whispers, Mil pulls him closer and replies.

"I won't, come let's go to sleep" 

Next Morning....

Mil and Phukong were sleeping in Mil's room, Mil had his arms wrapped around Phukong's waist while Phukong's head was resting on Mil's chest. 

Both groans in annoyance as someone knocked the door on Mil's apartment. Mil pats Phukong's waist to wake him but instead Phukong snuggles closer.

"Phee.. go open the door" Phukong groans, getting irritated by continuous knocking.

"Damn! Who the fuck came so early morning?" Mil shouts in anger as he looks at the time.

Mil opens the door still feeling sleepy, he becomes wide awake when he sees the person standing in front of the door.



"P'Arthit, are you okay?" Rome asked when he saw the older rubbing his forehead and his droopy eyes.

"Recently I couldn't sleep properly at night so I feel tired" Arthit replies truthfully. Kongpop who was listening to their conversation, took a glance at Arthit who looked tired. Once Rome felt the office, Kongpop spoke.

"If Phee is not well, he can sleep for a while" Arthit was surprised.

"No, I am fine" 

"Phee" Kongpop was getting frustrated.

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