Nasty Habits

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The moon now shone between the gaps in the branches. Out here you could see the stars to easily, there was no light pollution for miles. I carried on dawdling behind Josh, taking advantage of so many stars.

I sighed, pulling my eyes away from the night sky. I looked down at my hands, blood stained. My mind drifted to Poppy, I felt so much guilt for just leaving her mutilated dead body within the bushes. Who knows what could get at her, her rotting body left defenceless. This is the first time I have ever felt any sort of remorse for the dead.

She was so young. She had her whole life ahead of her. It ended so fast, too soon. The memories of her last breath haunted my mind. I was already fucked up, but this was making everything worse. I had watched so many people die, mainly by my own hand. I brutally murdered so many people, and I never cared. I took pleasure in seeing spill people's blood. So why was Poppy's death affecting me so.

I looked forward, watching the back of Josh's head. His hair wavered so gracefully as the breeze rushed through it. That's when I saw all the blood stains upon his skin. I gritted my teeth together. It was his fault, he's the reason Poppy's dead. But he's also the reason why Armstrong is dead, and for that I'm grateful. Or maybe it was my fault. Maybe I had been a bad influence on him. Did he now feel the urge to kill, like I did.

I felt the gun rattle slightly against my leg. I pulled out out from my pocket, studying the weapon. This was the object that took Armstrong's life. I so wish I could of been the one behind the trigger, but no, it was Josh.

My fingers started to twitch. My heart beat faster. My stomach filed with butterflies. I smirked to myself, I actually made myself sick at how I felt so at home, so happy, so comfortable when holding such a murderous object.

I held on to it tightly and wrapped my finger around the trigger. Still smirking to myself. I bought it up to my temple.

I made a banging noise with my voice. I brought it back down in front of me, laughing to myself.

I looked at Josh again. His head hung low, his hands were stuffed inside his pockets. I jogged to catch up with him. Until our footsteps fell in sync with each others. He looked up at me, smiling sadly. I pulled his hand out from his pocket and entwined our fingers. He was so cold.

I pulled him to a halt. I brought my hand up to his cheek, his eyes looked sideways as the gun was grasped in my hand and close to his head. He looked back into my eyes and I saw fear. He was scared, was he scared of me?

I sent him a smile but by the look on his face it didn't give him any reassurance.

I put the gun to his temple,and like a did with myself minutes before, made a banging sound with my voice. My manic laughed filed the silence.

Josh eyes looked like they were screaming. His body shook. He ripped his body from my grasp, and took multiple steps back.

"What's wrong babe?" I asked innocently.

Josh just shook his head avoiding eye contact with me.

"You scared?" I whispered.

Josh just stayed quiet. Just as he was about to start walking again, I reached out a grabbed his arm, pulling him back to me. "Because you should be. You're in the presence of a murderer. Are you nervous? I have no remorse, I have no guilt about all the lives I have taken. I like to see suffering. I'm psychotic. Is it possible to love someone like me?"

"Oliver, you're hurting me!"Josh wimpered.

I looked down to see my nails digging into his wrist. My grip only tightened. "I don't care". My eyes widened as I said this, putting him more on edge. "I love causing pain to those who caused me pain. And Josh you caused me pain. I pain I've never fault before, some wicked feeling that is like poison in my veins, and it's so hard to live with. It's love".

I loosened my grip on his wrist, my mind running over what I was about to do.

"So I'm going to give you the pain and then maybe the pain will leave me".

I grabbed the collar of his shirt, the fronts of our bodies touching. My eyes flickered to his plump lips, he seemed to be more relaxed now, finding comfort within my touch. I leaned in slowly before finally capturing his lips with mine. His hands wrapped around my waist, hooking his thumbs in my belt loops and placing his palms on my arse and squeezing slightly. I moan was released from the back of my throat, so he saw his opportunity and took it, he slipped his tongue into my mouth, deepening the kiss.

Good, he was distracted.

With a shaky hand, God, this is the first time I've felt nervous about doing this, but I know I'll be happy in the end, I lifted the gun. Just so it was hovering by his temple and he still remained distracted, oblivious. 

And I pulled the trigger.

He gasped into my mouth. He slid down on to his knees, his hands still on my arse. He looked up at me, I could tell that the betrayal and emotional pain hurt more than the actual gun shot wound. Blood spluttered out his mouth as he tried to speak. As it dribbled down his chin, I wiped it away with my thumb. His breaths were wheezy and deep as he fought to stay alive.

I stuffed the gun into my pocket and cupped his face with both my hands. I rested my forehead against his and pecked his nose delicately. "I'm sorry" I whispered."it's just who I am. You fell in love with the wrong person, and for that I'm truly, deeply sorry". I brushed away the tears that were running down his cheeks. "I love you"

I captured his lips in mine for the last time. I stepped away from him and watched his body fall to the floor without my support.

Then I started to walk away. I looked behind me, to look at him once more, his chest was still, he had left the world, he had taken his final breath, and now he lay amongst the leaves to join all the lost and fucked up souls he had helped kill. 


Title: Nasty Habits by You Me At Six 

OMG it's finished! And I'm going to be forever crying! 

I hope you enjoyed it, and I hope to see you again soon. 

Oh and just quickly, I want your opinions, I have another story in mind, Idk whether to write it has a Fransykes or just an Oliver FF so, what would you prefer?

Dedicated to -SoulOnFire-  

I just want to say thanks to you all, for reading, voting, commenting, adding to reading lists, I never expected this to get so popular, so thank you all so much XD

Song on the side... 

Shameless self promotion... check out my other stories, I'll be concentrating on them a lot more now this has finished, I have; 

An Oliver Sykes FF, about a fucked up fan....Sleep With One Eye Open 

A Jaime Preciado FF, about a him falling in love with a girl thats close to death...With Heaven Above You There's Hell Over Me 

Two Josh Franceschi FF's that I absolutely hate but other people love...When We Were Younger and the sequel, Such A Pretty Little Thing, So Much Prettier Without Me.

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