Chapter 6-Deployment

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Hey guys, I'm back. Now, with the rise of the Vampyr beginning their first steps on Remnant, other powers particularly both the Angels and the Daemons have made preparations on their agendas, might put them somewhere soon, but that's a story for another time. ;)

RWBY belongs to Rooster Teeth LLC, I don't claim ownership of it besides my story, nor do I take Ownership of any art That's used in my story. 

Regardless, Let's get right into it.

Erwin's POV

After the game, Lukas was celebrating his victory.

And yes, I got bested, ya, surprising. 

"And there's something I beaten you at, Erwin!" Lukas said to me as he made a cheeky smile as I rolled my eyes as I had a little smile

"Well, congrats on that, Lukas. But I may have to warn you about Arrogance, if you let it take over your thinking, then eventually, it'll come back to bite you, really hard." I warned Lukas, simply being cautious for my friend.

"I'll keep that in mind, Erwin." He replied as I nodded as I saw the girls playing Pool, and are quite good at it as their competitive nature is shown as they had smirks and a hint of cocky attitudes in them.

"They're bonding really well, don't you think, Erwin?" Lukas asked me as I gave a smile

"At least she's making a new friend, well, outside of the Von König family, Myself, the other Servants and Protectors, and a few others outside of the Manor." I said as I was happy for her.

"Really, you don't get to go out that much?" Lukas asked as I looked at him, surprised

"Well, We do go out, But it's mostly when we don't have anything to do. Most of the time, we just do our daily duties, there are also times when I have to escort Sir König." I said as I informed him, correcting on some info he said to me. 

"Alright, but what's it like to be under the service of Lord König, one of the powerful Bloodlines within the Empire?. The question also involves Emily." Lukas said to me as he asked me an important question regarding both Emily and I in our service to Paul.

I pondered on what to say next for this question, 

'Should I tell him about the fact the family is quite quirky to say the least, or tell him some fabrication.' I thought as I pondered on that.

'Ah, what the hell, it's not like he can do any harm with this info, he's my best friend after all.' I thought as I mentally shrugged and I made my decision. 

"Well, don't tell this to anyone." I said as I approached Lukas and whispered the part of the family being a wee bit quirky

And as I did, Lukas had a face of surprise.

"EXCUSE ME WTF!?" He shouted as the others and the Girls looked at us with perplexed eyes.

"WHat in God's name are you doing?!" I said in a whisper as I scolded him

"I'M SORRY, BUT, SERIOUSLY!?" Lukas said, continuing to shout to my disappointment. 

"SHUT IT, HACKETT!" I said, increasing my tone, he finally shut it as everyone then continued doing what he was doing. 

"Erwin, was that necessary?" He asked, now in a sad tone

"Lukas, you were attracting unwanted attention to the both of us, and I did tell you that it's supposed to be a secret, didn't I." I said, emphasis on the word secret as he nodded.

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