Chapter 3.5- Explanation

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"What the hell were you doing, Captain?" I said, needing explanation

"Well, I was trying to see through the future, see what would occur. And so, I used an ancient Blood Art, Didn't get far before I was pulled out of the vision." He said as he coughed

"Take it easy sir, just breathe." The Yeoman said

"Ah, would you relax, Stefan, You shouldn't be concern yourself with an old man like me. I'm fine." He said, grunting about being babied. 

"Anyway, you two, what's was that you two wanted to say?" He asked as He slowly got up.

"Sir, we're ready for warp jump, X.O Castle is waiting for the go ahead from you." The Yeoman said as he nodded

"Go ahead, Mr. Hartmann and I will have a chat." Ushakov said as he nodded and then left the room.

"Mr. Garrett isn't bad, He may be a pure-blood, but he isn't those that disdain upon Half-Bloods." he said, introducing the now named- Garrett as Yeoman.

"Now I believe that you owe me an explanation." I said, needing knowledge now more than ever.

"I suppose your right, give a minute and I'll clean myself up." he said as I went out of his bathroom. 

Timeskip because the writer feels proud of progress

After waiting for a while, Ushakov came out of the bathroom all cleaned up, wearing a white undershirt and black pants and shoes.

"OK, time for me to explain." He said as we sat down on a pair of chairs

"What are Blood Arts?" I asked

"Blood Arts are a unique type of Magic known only to us, This kind of magic is heavily attuned to us, so there's no chances for Humans to obtain this power, Blood Arts are in some ways, similar to Sorcery since you'd need a catalyst to use a certain spell, but that's only for the refined and widely known spells, but..." he said, giving me an explanation to Blood Arts, before pausing

"For the blood circle, that's an ancient, archaic spell, You see, there are ancient spells on Blood Arts that Pure-blooded ones are attuned towards, Half-blooded Ones don't have access to such ancient magic, but they have full capabilities on Sorcery, Pyromancy, Blessings, Necromancy and the more refined Blood Arts." He said continuing his explanation 

"So what your saying is that Half-Blooded Vampyr can utilize the four major types of Magic and can only use the refined Blood Arts. While Pure-blooded Vampyr can fully use Blood arts at the expense of limited use of the other types of Magic?" I asked, simplifying what was said.

"Well, I suppose It's my turn to ask you a question." He said as I looked at him, and then I heard a humming noise and then felt moving fast, it only lasted a few seconds. 

"Huh, We're in Warp, I believe we should be at the Gateway in three minutes, back to my question, What Magic do you study and teach?" He asked me, seemingly intrigued

"Well, sir. I studied in three of the Mystical arts, I don't do Necromancy, simply out of personal preference. And as for teaching, I recall saying I just teach Sorcery, I used to teach Pyromancy, but I resigned from teaching it." I said

"And why so?" He asked 

"I simply wanted to make use of my time better. And I seemed to be more attuned towards Sorcery." I replied, He nodded, satisfied on my answer. 

"Well, You can go now, I'm certain that you'll need to go back to your room or, you can meet up with some of the Watchers here. Your Choice, Mr. Hartmann." He said as I left the room, leaving him to his matters. 

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