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Nick's PoV:- (when he was 9 years old)

I am 9 years old. My sister , Emily, is 14 years old . She is the only family member I am left with.

Yes, it's true our parents died a few days ago. They both killed themselves by eating some poison.

We were all bankrupt, we did not have money to eat our meals.

It's been two days since both Emily and I haven't eaten anything.

I am always very hungry, I need food.

I know I should be protecting my sister I am a guy and it's my duty to protect her.

But I don't know how to get money.

Emily said that she will go fetch some money for us.

I agreed at that time but now when it's been 3 hours and she isn't back I am worried.

We both live in the nearby park under a tree.

I was pacing here and there waiting for her to return.

What if some bad guy did something to her?

Emily returned running down the path, "Nick"

"Yes, Sissy"

"See I got money we both can have burgers" she shouted.

I clapped my hands excitedly as I was starving. I could eat anything.

"Nick, wanna go to McDonald's?" Emily asked.

"Yes," I jumped up and down happily.


I wanted to have more than a burger I was hungry, really hungry.

I was looking at the counter which displayed so many tasty burgers, fries, drinks, everything.

Wow! I wanna have ice-cream!

Emily was holding my hand tightly protecting both of us from the rich people and their stares , I guess.

She is a bit possessive about me, since our parents died. She seems to protect me as if she was my mom. I love her but I feel bad for her, there is no one for her to lean upon.

Suddenly, Emily bumped into someone, a pretty woman. She was very beautiful just like our mother.

The woman looked over at a kid , who waved at the woman. The little kid was holding a Panda.
The little girl was even more pretty than her. Her smile was very beautiful. I waved at her but she pouted looking the other way round.

"Hi, is she your daughter?" I asked the pretty woman.


"She is pretty" I said looking at the little girl with the Panda.

"Wanna have some ice cream?." the pretty woman asked

I wanna have that ice cream but Emily mouthed me to say no.

"Come both of you go sit with my daughter I'll bring ice creams for all of us" the pretty woman said.

"No..Miss, it's ok He is a kid! I have money for our burger" Emily said.

"It's ok dear, I have money for all of us., I'll bring a burger for each of you" the lady said.

I licked my lips thinking about the rich taste of the ice cream.

"Where are your parents?" the lady asked.

The images of my mum and dad come in my peripheral vision. The way they killed themselves, we found them on the ground with poison oozing out of their mouths.

"They died" I said when I saw Emily was not going to answer anytime soon.

" am so sorry, are you all alone? " the lady asked.

Both Emily and I nodded in unison.

" Go sit back with my daughter I'll be back" the lady said softly.


We both sat ourselves next to the little girl with the Panda.

I smiled at her but she pouted looking the other way.

Emily smiled at her but she did the same as she did with me.

"Hi, I am Emily" Emily said offering her hand to that pretty girl.

She looked at us once again and then at her mum, frowning at something but smiling a little while later.

She smiled back at us ,it was a beautiful smile, shaking her hand with Emily she said. ," I am Bella".

Her voice is so serene! I like her soft voice! She is cute as a barbie doll.

"Hi I am Nick" I said offering my hand.

She frowned looking at my offered hand and then pouted pulling her panda closer to her chest.

She doesn't like me! I guess!

We all were waiting there for her mum to return when Bella stood up looking out of the window , she made her way outside.

Emily followed and stopped her, "Bella don't go anywhere when you're alone, wait for your mum to be back"

Bella nodded and sat herself back again on the stole.

A little later , a woman wearing black clothes came and sat herself near Bella.

"Bella, I am your aunt hello, baby doll, see daddy have sent a bigger panda for you. He wants to surprise you and Momma so I am here to pick you up. Your daddy asked me to get you,  doll." the lady said to Bella.

Bella stood up excitedly .

"Bella I really think you should ask your mum once" Emily said

"But it's a surprise for her, Bella" the lady intervened.

Bella nodded and they both hurried towards a car.

I saw Emily was not happy with that. I myself thought it wasn't a smart move. We should've prevented her from going anywhere.

Bella's mum returned with a tray full of food and ice creams for us.

"Where's Bella?" she asked panicking to find Bella missing.

"She is there " I pointed.

The lady placed the tray on the table and rushed out but instead collided with someone and fell to the ground.

After recollecting herself, she ran after them but the car was already far away by then.

She rushed back to us and asked us whether we heard anything and what that woman looked like.

I smiled at Emily telling the lady what I remembered, "she said that her daddy has sent her a teddy bear and they want to surprise you, so she have to quitely go with her"

"What?" the lady yelled.

"Is there a problem miss? " Emily asked.

" husband's not in the town, I...I... don't know who that woman was" the lady explained.

Emily's face changed into a worried one. She asked if she could help but the lady refused.

....Emily Dornan....... (Her image is up there)

She was beautiful, wasn't she?

Yeah, she died the same day, Bella was kidnapped....


That's a story for later, guys.....

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