Chapter 9 - Adjustments and Arrangements

Start from the beginning

'Four eyes is too stuck-up to effectively lead... Izuku is too nervous... there's no-one else really... unless... 3-D Printer's resourceful and co-operative... yeah... yeah.'

Once the last ballot had been cast, Iida pulled them out of the box, and created a tally of names and votes on the board. As he cast the final stroke of chalk, there was a clear winner of the votes. Iida Tenya, with six votes, became the class representative president, while Momo Yaoyorozu, with four votes, became the vice president. Izuku was close with three, he was so thankful he didn't get either position, whereas the rest of the class got one (if they voted for themselves) or zero.

"My fellow classmates! I am ever so grateful for this opportunity to prove myself to you and our school! I will ensure to excel and be a worthy representative for the class that is 1-A! I sincerely hope I can live up to your expectations and I will strive to fulfill them best I can regardless! Thank you for this opportunity!" Iida finished his speech with a perfect bow, before gesturing to his counterpart to do something similar.

"Well... thank you all for this opportunity to represent you, and I will strive to do my best!" Yaoyorozu ended her speech with a sincere smile... and was decidedly less intense than Iida which was definitely a pleasant break for the class.

"Now that's out of the way, get out of the class and go to lunch," Aizawa-sensei told them, crawling away in his sleeping bag. The class watched in tense silence as he did so, before turning to each other to chat.

By the time everyone started to go to the canteen, they found themselves trapped in the classroom, a large mob of students from 1B, 1C and others blocking the way. "Hey what gives?" Kirishima was the first to call out, "This ain't manly at all!"

Izuku was baffled as he watched the students blocking their exit. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Kacchan becoming steadily more aggravated. 'This isn't going to end well for anyone involved...' Izuku thought, as he moved into a far corner of the class, away from the rising storm. 

He heard Kacchan's signature berating voice scream. "YOU FUCKING EXTRAS MOVE!"
"Bakugo that is no way to engage with other students at ou-" Iida tried to scold his classmate before being cut off.
"I DON'T GIVE A FUCK FOUR-EYES, I WANNA G-" Kacchan responded, before suddenly collapsing. In the time he was yelling, Izuku had gone behind his brother and lightly zapped him, just enough to shut him up.
"I-I-I apologize for m-m-my friend's behaviour, h-h-he's a tad too arrogant for his own good." Izuku said, bowing to the crowd as he held up his adoptive brother with one hand. Most of them seemed happy with this, and began to disperse having had seen what the famed 1A had to offer. Most of them. "Yeah well it seems the hero course kids are still just arrogant. Consider this a declaration of war," A purple haired boy spoke up, sporting a piercing glare. With that he, and the remainder of the crowd, dispersed allowing the hero course students of 1A to go to lunch. The class just looked at each, shrugged, and went on with their day.

Thankfully Kacchan had come back around, so Izuku no longer had to hold onto his brother (who was giving a loving death glare). 

As everyone was in the cafeteria and began heading back to class, a screeching alarm announcing a security breach. Very quickly the students of Class 1A found themselves pressed shoulder to shoulder and being jostled as students from every department were trying to force their way out. 'This is unbecoming of such a prestigious school's students! What even is the bother?' Tenya thought as he was pressed up against the window. He saw people with cameras and microphones, and a few people who's quirks made their appendages exactly that. 'Ah, it is just the press and some reporters.' "Everyone calm down! This is unbecoming of U.A students and there is nothing to fear except the press!" Tenya yelled, to no avail. Few students heard him over the ruckus, and those that did were faring no better.

Looking around, he saw Uraraka, and quickly called out to her to use her quirk on him. The anti-gravity girl managed to briefly tap Iida on the shoulder with all five fingers of her right hand, enough for Iida to slowly start to float. 

This successfully brought the attention of some students directly near him, but he needed more. 'Think Tenya, what would Tensei do... Ah ha!' Tenya came to a conclusion. Thinking quickly, he activated his engines, causing him to fly in circles. 'Right, no gravity. But it's working!' he thought until he eventually managed to crash into the top of the door frame. This successfully got the students' attention. "Everyone calm down! It is just the press outside!" Tenya began, "Continue out in a calm and orderly fashion, to the evacuation point!"

With those words, students began to slowly but more calmly file out of the halls, and Uraraka released her quirk from Tenya. Thankfully Izuku was there to help catch the engine-legged boy, and together the trio made their way out to the rest of their class.

Aizawa sighed as he led his class back to their homeroom. The interruption, courtesy of the press, has finally been dealt with. "Alright, so one more announcement I forgot to make earlier. U.A holds a yearly sports festival, which is Japan's replacement for the Olympics." He told them.
"Uhh... Olympics?" Mina asked.
"A pre-quirk era sports competition. Anyway, in the sports festival, you'll be going through a number of random events, and a lot of pro-heroes will be watching for internships. In any case, the sports festival happens this Friday."
"Aizawa-sensei!" Iida called out, "Is it such a good idea to hold such a large event so soon after an attack?"
"Yes, we need to show that U.A is unaffected more than ever, and there'll be heightened security. That reminds me, Iida and Yaoyorozu, you two need to stay after school. We have your first jobs today after what happened."

Aizawa finished his spiel, and sighed. The final bell went not too long after, and the student representatives stayed behind as asked. He brought the two students to his desk where he explained what would be happening after the sports festival. The introduction of the dorm system. They each got a pencil, and started creating the room layouts.

By the time the class' president and vice president were done, a half hour had passed and the sun was noticeably lower in the sky. For the boys, Izuku, Bakugo, Iida and Todoroki were on floor 5, floor 4 consisted of Shoji, Sato, Kirishima and Sero, floor 3 had Koda, Kaminari and Ojiro, and finally floor 2 had Mineta, Aoyama, and Tokoyami. For the girls, floor 5 had Yaoyorozu and Jiro, floor 4 had Toru and Ashido, and floor 3 had Asui and Uraraka. 

Aizawa was adequately satisfied with the floor plan, and nodded for the remaining two students to take their leave as he filed the forms to Nezu. The parents shouldn't be too hard to convince hopefully. After filing the paperwork, he picked up his signature yellow sleeping bag and went to his car, off home. He needed sleep. And cats. Mostly cats. 

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