What the hell • 3

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"Mom, did you know Luca had invited other people to our weekend away?!" I stormed over to her in the kitchen, and placed myself on a stool at the island counter. 

"Yeah, Lisa asked me if it was okay. Why? You don't care about that surely." she replied. 

"Are you being serious? He's bringing his girlfriend." I jumped up from where I was sitting and began to stomp up the stairs.

"Sounds like you're jealous sweetie." my mom shouted to me, with a little laugh. 

I stopped in my tracks and ran back to her, "Jealous?" I laughed "Why would I be jealous?" 

"Well, maybe, you have a crush on Luca?" she said softly. 

"Pffft, I would never like Luca like that  it's just she is horrible and she won't let me spend any quality time with him alone." I sighed, then a little smile formed on my face.

"What's that?" my mom asked, intrigued.

"What's what?" my smile grew wider.

"That. That smile." 

"Okay, mom, I like this guy called Mark." I admitted, slightly embarrassed.  "And Luca invited him to come this weekend." I blushed. 

"So why are you complaining? That's a good thing, right?" a confused look formed on her face.

"No it's not good. Now I have to always be on top of my game, look good, keep him away from my embarrassing family. I just know that something will go wrong and I'll scare him off." 

My mom walked over to me and hugged me, "okay baby, if you really don't want them to come because you'll feel too pressured all weekend, then I'll speak to Lisa about uninviting them."

I jumped up, "thanks mom!" then she picked up our home phone and dialed the Lombardo house. 


After about 20 minutes, my mom finally put the phone down "She said that she'll speak to Luca about it right now." my mom explained. I nodded and smiled, "see you in the morning mom." 

When I got into my room, I changed into my sweats and a crop top before climbing into my king sized bed and putting Netflix on my mac book. I was about to start watching the new series Outer Banks, with the really hot guy called John B in it, but I was interrupted by a knock on my bedroom window. I walked over to my window and pulled up the blinds, Luca was sat on the roof connected to my bedroom window. When we were younger we used to sit up there every July 4th and watch the fireworks, but as we grew up we use it to climb into each others rooms without our parents seeing. 

"Luca, why are you trying to sneak in." I asked him puzzled at what he wants now.

"Soph what the hell?" he asked, angry at me.

"Uh what did I do now?" I asked sarcastically, showing that I honestly don't care about what he has to say. He's already annoyed me today.  

"You told my mom that I invited my girlfriend this weekend, she didn't know that we were together and now she's tried to make me uninvite her, until I just about managed to convince her that she's both of our close mates." 

My jaw dropped, sorry what? Our mate?! 

"What the hell?" I rudely blurted out.

"What do you mean what the hell, it's your fault in the first place, you told your mom." Luca grunted as he flung his legs through my window slid in. I sighed and placed myself on the end of my bed, Luca sat next to me. 

He looked me in my face "Look, I'm sorry I didn't tell you that I invited them but I knew you wouldn't want me to." he seemed genuine and meaningful. In that moment I just felt like letting all my emotions out, but Luca and I are clearly not as close as used to be. I used to tell him everything, he told me everything. Nights when my parents were arguing, right before their divorce, Luca would stay with me until I fell asleep. I felt safe in his arms. He is - or at least was - the only person that knows how to calm me down, I can't help but feel protected from everything when I'm with him, he just understands me. 

I looked down at my feet, trying to push back the tears forming in my eyes. Luca budged up closer to me, "what's wrong?" he placed a hand on my back. 

"Nothing," I sniffed, before looking him in the face and forcing a smile. He seemed concerned but didn't say anything else, just got up from my bed and made his way towards the window. Before climbing out, he looked back at me "Well I'll always be next door if you need anything Soph." he smiled at me, then winked playfully. I laughed, "see you later." I then got up and watched him climb down my house, just before he jumped over our fence back to his yard he looked up at me "next time don't snitch." Then he ran back into his house, without looking back again. 

Within minutes I got a message from him;

Luca: Hi best friend. You sure you're okay? I meant what I said I'm here for you, no matter what you want or need. 

Sophia: Fine. Thanks anyway. 

Sophia: If you ever need me though, I'm here.

Luca: Even though we're not as close as we used to be, I'd still do ANYTHING for you;)

Anyone reading that might assume that Luca is flirting with me, but that's just how we are. We're just best friends, we're always joking like that, always have and always will. It's our friendship and humor. 

Sophia: There is one thing you could do for me...

Sophia: Give me Mark's number? please:)

Luca: SO YOU DO LIKE HIM !  +1 212 315 1126 

Sophia: I never said that.. but thank you!!

Luca: See you tomorrow morning for school :-)

I immediately copy and pasted Mark's number and messaged him a simple hey, it's Sophia. I told him how Luca gave me his number and we hit it off straightaway. 

Mark <3 : Let's play would you rather. You can give me girls names first. 

Sophia : Hahah okay, would you rather date me or Bianca? :P

Mark <3 : You, always! ;)

Mark and I spoke most of the night, Mark is seriously funny and he's so flirty that it's attractive. Honestly, I think I really like him! I finally decided it was time to go to bed, so I said good night <3 to Mark and snuggled into my duvet. Now I'm buzzing for the weekend, I think Mark actually might like me. 

for as long as i remember ; mark anastasio & luca lombardoWhere stories live. Discover now