Maybe • 2

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"Here with ten minutes to spare!" Luca grinned.

We pulled up at the top of the car park at Luca and Mark's soccer training, I un-clipped my seat belt then climbed out of the car. I walked round to the boot to join the others, Luca was getting his soccer stuff out. I just stood leaning against the car, looking at my feet until Mark stood in front of me. Luca was hugging the girl and they were flirting with each other, whispering in one another's ear. I didn't even know Luca had met her, he usually tells me everything. I have no idea why I feel a slight bit of jealousy, I guess it's because I know that he'll replace me with her. It's not that I have a crush on him, I would never plus I like Mark.

"So how long have you known Luca?" Mark questioned me. I looked up at him, "Since I was born, what about you?" Of course I knew how long they'd known each other, but I wanted to carry on the conversation even if it was just awkward small talk to avoid the fact that Luca and his girl were making out just metres away from us. Mark started walking towards the soccer stands, he gestured for me to follow "about 6 months," he sat down and patted the bench next to him, I sat beside him "so how come we've only just met?" Mark asked.

"I'm not sure," I laughed "but I'd like to get to know you," Marked grinned at me "for Luca I mean, I'm his best friend and so are you." I quickly added on.

Mark nodded "Oh of course, for sure." Mark looked down at me. "Well we can get to know each other some more this weekend."

He must have noticed my puzzled frown as he quickly added on, "for the family get together, Luca invited me."

"Oh, I-" I began to say before Mark cut me off.

"I mean if that's okay with you, I don't have to come. I just assumed Luca would have told you, considering it's your family too and you're close." he explained nervously.

"No no, of course I want you to come." Mark smirked "I mean, yeah of course you can come." Mark looked straight into my eyes and his mouth formed an even wider smile as he softly said "you want me to come?" I blushed as Mark slowly edged closer towards me.

"I suppose I do." I whispered. I moved slightly closer to him as-

"Oi Mark, lets go." Luca shouted from the pitch as his 'girlfriend' ran towards me and sat on the row in front.

"See you later." Mark winked as he ran away to join Luca and his team for training. I heard Luca speaking to Mark on the pitch "You know she's my best friend dude, I can see you trying to get in her pants." he said. Mark seemed to have found the comment entertaining as he chuckled a little, which is good because I found it funny too.

"Why are you laughing to yourself, weirdo." Luca's chick looked back at me and grimaced.

I rolled my eyes, "because I found something funny, no need to be rude."

"Oh girl, I didn't mean to sound rude. I've just had a rough day," she moved up the bench and sat besides me.'' Anyway, I'm excited for this weekend." she smiled.

Sorry what? Is Luca freaking serious? I can't believe he has the audacity to invite people to OUR weekend, I haven't been alone with him and had a laugh in so long, now they're going to be there. More importantly, SHE is going to be there, Mark is more than welcome to join.

"Oh yeah, I'm so excited too." I forced a smile, and so did she. "So are you and Luca a thing?"

"Girl he hasn't told you?" She asked, I shook my head. "We got together like last month."

"Oh cool." I replied.

"Yeah he's the cutest. He is so sweet and he is such a good kisser, you should try it. But like don't try it because he's mine." she aggressively stated.

I just nodded and watched the boys on the field, Mark looked up at us and waved. Then the girl, who's name I still don't know, waved back at Mark and he looked so confused. Indicating that he was in fact, waving at me not her.


Finally, after sitting next to this girl for an hour and a half, their training was finally over. I jumped up out of the seat then ran to Mark and Luca who were sweating excessively. Luca put his hands up high and I high-fived him while jumping in the air. I walked next to him, while Mark and Luca's girl trailed behind us, Mark tried to speak to her but she was just on her phone completely ignoring him. I looked over at Luca, "so Luca when were you planning on telling me that you invited those two to our family trip and that you were dating that girl?" I asked him, with a slight hurt in my voice.

"Soph, it's not a big deal. In fact my mom suggested that I invited other people. It'll be fun, plus 'that girl' is called Bianca. Don't be rude." he laughed while pulling the keys out of his pocket, I walked over to the car and climbed in the back. Luca was supposed to be my best friend, now he's brushing this off like it's nothing. I couldn't help but feel betrayed, just wait till my mom hears about this.

The car journey home was even more awkward than the one on the way here, Luca kept running his fingers up and down Bianca's leg.

"Luca, would you like to pay attention on the road, not on your girlfriend's leg?" I cringed as I asked him. Bianca looked round at me, and gave me such a dirty look while Luca just turned the music up louder. Mark started laughing uncontrollably, "oh my god, Sophia, I can't breathe."

I let out a little laugh, "I wasn't joking, he's going to crash if he doesn't focus on the road." I raised my voice so Luca could hear me over the radio. Mark just carried on laughing to himself, until we eventually made it to both their houses. I didn't bother saying goodbye to Bianca, nor did Mark but Luca and her made a massive scene when she left. They made out for a while, Mark and I just made fun of them, I'm starting to think he hates her almost as much as I do. When Mark got out the car he smiled at me and softly said "Nice to meet you Sophia, I'm excited for this weekend." I smiled back at him, "same, see you soon!" Then Mark thanked Luca and walked into his house, leaving just Luca and I in the car.

"Are you going to sit in the front then?" Luca asked sarcastically. I climbed out of the car and walked to the passenger seat, climbing in and plugging in my seat belt.

"You guys so like each other." Luca winked at me.

"Keep your eyes on the road idiot." I laughed "And he would never like me."

"Sure, whatever you say Soph."

We arrived at our houses, and I got out the car "see you on the weekend" I shouted as I walked into my house. "Bye" Luca shouted before I heard his front door slam.

Maybe Luca's right, maybe Mark does like me.

for as long as i remember ; mark anastasio & luca lombardoWhere stories live. Discover now