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While Sue turned invisible to release Reed from the chair Victor strapped him to, Dorothy waited around the corner in case anything went wrong. Victor caught Sue in the act, and while she distracted him, Dorothy crept into the room and unstrapped Reed.

Sue did her best at containing Victor with her powers, but she was no match for him. Reed was blinking rapidly, attempting to tell Dorothy to help Sue.

"Let her go," Dorothy commanded.

Victor's hands let go of Sue's neck, dropping her onto the floor while she gasped for air. He turned around and looked at Dorothy.

"Should have told me to not move."

He threw a small ball at her that grew into a mask that attached itself to her mouth. Her eyes widened as her hands grabbed onto the mask, attempting to pull it off. Her words of protest came out muffled.

"It's time to end this," Victor announced.

A loud explosion came from behind, bricks and scraps flying everywhere. He turned around, facing Ben as his old rock monstrosity.

"No, Vic," said Ben. "It's clobbering time." He punched Victor in the stomach, sending him across the room, denting the wall he rammed into.  "Damn, I've been waiting to do that."

Ben walked over. "Susie, you okay?" He ripped out the cords connecting the chair to the gas container. "Victor ain't that bad, huh? He's just a little larger than life, right? Maybe next time, you'll listen to me before - "

The lights shut off.

"Ben!" Sue exclaimed, just as Victor tackled him, throwing them both out a window.

Dorothy mumbled frantically, screeching at the back of her throat as she wildly gestured to the mask over her mouth.

"Oh - "

Sue walked over to her and attempted to pry it off, but it shocked the both of them, sending them back onto the opposite walls. Dorothy panted heavily, groaning as she hobbled up.

"I think we'll get it off later," suggested Sue, crawling back up to her feet. "Sorry, Dorothy, we don't have much time."

She sighed through her nose but made a gesture with her hands, signifying her defeat. She didn't mind being muted as long as Johnny was safe.

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