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While Victor privately talked to Sue, Johnny and Dorothy helped Ben set up in his suit, making sure everything was correct.

"Please, tell me your guy's not trying to rekindle things with my sister again," Johnny pleaded.

"Of course not," Ben denied. "It's strictly business." 

"Yes, but his eyes say differently, don't they?" Johnny questioned.

"Hey!" Ben exclaimed. "Two hearts got busted last time. Maybe she's not over it either. Though I guess it's really four hearts."

Johnny stilled for a moment, but Dorothy continued on checking the suit. "Wow, Dr. Phil," he muttered sarcastically.

"What's that?" she questioned innocently. "I didn't hear that. You may have to say it again, Ben."

Ben sighed. "Unbelievable. Ice Queen, everyone."

"That's deep. Let me think about it," said Johnny, turning around to grab something. "You got Victor, more money than God, stud of the year. And you got Reed, the world's dumbest smart guy, worth less than a postage stamp." He walked back to Ben, moving him toward the portal he was supposed to be exiting at. "That's a real toss-up."

"Well, I've seen worse men," Dorothy commented, walking off the platform.

Johnny ignored her comment for the moment and focused on Ben.

Ben sighed, wanting to pinch the bridge of his nose. "Don't trouble your tiny little mind," he murmured.

Johnny patted him on the shoulder before stepping out. "Don't wander off now, boy." He locked the doors by running the code into the system before turning around to face Dorothy who was leaning up against a wall. "So, this back and forth thing, is that going to be for the whole trip?" he questioned.

"Well, if you would prefer not talking at all, that can be arranged."

Dorothy was the type of person to close herself off after a bad experience. She used sarcasm and flirting as a way to defend herself.

"Dorothy - "

"If I tap my heels, will I go home back to Kansas?" she gasped, standing on her toes to tap her heels together.

"How 'bout we sex and makeup? You always loved that," he added.

She shrugged. "I do. Never done it in space before. Have you?"

"No, you?"

She grinned, swiftly walking up to him and caressing his jaw. "That can be arranged."

Meanwhile, Ben was rearranging sample boxes on plants outside when Reed barged into the room and demanded Ben come back inside.

"Whoa, caught us at a bad time, buddy," commented Johnny, as he looked up from smothering his face into Dorothy's chest.

Their faces were flushed and Dorothy's uniform was halfway unzipped, while Johnny's hands were on her ass. Reed looked like he wanted to yell at them, but he had bigger things to worry about.

"I ain't done arranging your flowers, egghead," Ben retorted to Reed.

"Ben, this is serious. Turn around," Reed demanded.

"Shit," Dorothy muttered as she backed away from Johnny and zipped up her suit. Johnny approached Reed and finally noticed what the fuss was about.

Ben turned around and saw the cosmic storm rumbling toward the station. "Roger that, on my way."

A wake of turbulence from the cloud hit Ben, making it harder to maneuver. The cloud's tendrils moved toward him.

"Come on, Ben... You got this!" Johnny encouraged.

"Okay, Johnny, Get ready to close the portal," Reed commanded.

Ben was able to get inside just in time and the portal closed instantly after the cloud pushed him in, smashing him again the window. However, the cosmic storm pushed through the glass and engulfed them all.

SORCERESS. ❪ Johnny Storm ❫ ✓Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя