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By the time Johnny and Dorothy found the parents of the child, Ben and Reed managed to recuse a whole fire truck with firemen inside. While the police were ready to apprehend them, the people cheered for Ben and Reed.

Ben, Reed, Sue, Johnny, and Dorothy were all taken to the Medical Tent the paramedics had set up for anyone with minor injuries during the bridge collision.

Johnny turned to Ben. "You know, I've been wondering: Where are your ears? How do you hear?"

Dorothy pinched his ear, causing a yelp to emit from him. "Don't be a dick. Well, more of a dick."


"Hey, I know your sensitive spots, so don't test me, Jonathan," warned Dorothy.

He huffed, and Dorothy forced herself from patting his head. It was something she always did whenever he acted like a child while they were together.

One of the Fire Station Chief's made his way into the tent, looking between the five. "There are some folks outside that want to talk to you."

"We're not going public with this," Reed declared. "We're scientists, not celebrities."

"It's too late for that, son." He walked over to the television and turned it on. "Look. That's what they're calling you: The Fantastic Five."

Johnny grinned. "Cool." He got up and walked toward the crowd, but Sue stopped him.

"No, wait! Where are you going?" she demanded.

"I'm gonna go talk to them."

"That's such a bad idea," Dorothy muttered.

"That's a good point. You guys should brainstorm," he retorted as he jogged away from them.

Reed and Sue ran after him.

"Get back here right now. Johnny!" Sue hissed.

Johnny smiled. "Can you believe this?"

The Chief headed over to them. "Which one of you is the leader?"

Johnny puffed out his chest in pride. "That would be me."

"No, seriously."

Dorothy snorted. "Oh, that's so good."

Sue pushed Reed forward.

The Chief nodded. "Okay, son. You're on," he said, moving away.

"Is it true you can fly?" a reported asked.

"Yeah, I'm working on it. It's actually really difficult," Johnny answered.

"No, actually," Sue corrected. "We do not know much more than you do at this point. We'll be going directly to our lab to diagnose our symptoms."

"Symptoms?" a woman called out. "Is this some kind of disease?"

"Everyone, calm down!" Dorothy exclaimed.

Everyone's mouths shut on command.

Dorothy froze for a moment and looked at Reed, then shrugged. "Oops?"

"It's not a disease, but if having special powers is a disease, then yeah, we got it bad," answered Johnny.

"Excuse me," a man interrupted. "But, that thing doesn't look so fantastic."

"Ben Grimm is a genuine American hero," Reed declared.

Johnny wrapped his arm around Ben's shoulders with a smirk. "What he means is, every team needs a mascot."

Everyone in the crowd laughed.

"A new day is dawning. The day of the Fantastic Five," announced Johnny, wrapping his other arm around Dorothy's waist.

"Do you want me to shut him up?" Dorothy whispered to Sue.

"Yes," she hissed.

Dorothy leaned over to Johnny as Reed and Susan took care of the reporters. "Johnny, shut up."

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