Fantasy - Boss

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This is a sexual fantasy story. It contains restricted material that I would not advise for young readers. EXPLICIT.

Sadie sat in her office chair fanning herself with a file in the musty heat of the afternoon. The fans were on as high as they would go but the air-con was busted so they would have to deal with it until the repairs were underway.

Why did I have to wear this damn blazer? She thought to herself. She would have taken it off but she was worried that she was sweating through her button-up white shirt.

She searched through the computer searching for the proposal her boss had asked for. At least she knew what she was looking for this time. Sometimes she got so distracted by that man that she must look like a fool asking him to repeat himself.

She wasn’t the only person in the office to think that he is an attractive man. He’s only a few years her senior, he was doing well for a man of 25. He had dark brown hair and a square jawline that was twice as sexy when he forgot to shave in the morning. He had bright blue eyes and a smoulder that would make any woman weak at the knees.

He could have almost any woman he wanted but no one in the office ever saw him with anyone or even on the phone to someone that could be a girlfriend. Mostly they were hoping that he was single.

Sadie blew a strand of hair out of her face and fanned herself harder with the file.

“Sadie?” She looked up to see Dean Archer poking his head out from his office.


“Have you found that file yet?”

“I am this close.” She held up her fingers and gave him a weak smile.

“Good work.” He gave her a charming smile and a wink before disappearing back into his office.

“Doesn’t he just make you want to terrible, terrible things?” Sadie looked up to see Olivia standing over her looking to where Dean just was.

“I honestly don’t want to be in your head right now.” She laughed.

“No, I bet you’re pretty content in your own head.”

“Very true.” She often thought about what he would look like in bed, well, more than just what he would look like.

“I am sure he would go there if you offered it up.” She nudged Sadie and laughed.

“He is our boss, we need to find some other poor soul to take advantage of.” Sadie giggled.

“Oh but he’s just so fine. I could definitely imagine getting naked in-”

“You know what? I’m comfortable not knowing the end of that sentence!”

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2012 ⏰

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