Fainting - 1

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(AN: This is from another story I'm currently writing. The character is Ciel Graye, a detective, and the other man is Hale Avalon, his godfather and a detective as well. The full version will be released soon, but finished much later. This is one of the fics that are good because of firsthand experience.)

(Includes: Fainting/Vasovagal syndrome/Low blood pressure, implied vomiting.)

(Ciel's POV:)

      Walking over, I run through steps in my head. Okay, deep breaths. Biological, latent, footwear, trace, digital, drug, firea- My thoughts cut off at the sight of two corpses followed by a wave of nausea, causing me to choke back a gag.

      Looking at the horrifying sight in front of me, I could immediately tell both men were shot in the head. The culprit was about 5'10 with the victim being about 5'7. The victim's pockets were nothing more than the usual. Wallet, phone, et cetera.

      My caretaker searched the bags and devices of the two men as I moved onto the killer's corpse. Scraping an odd powder off his clothes with shaking hands, I started to feel tingling within my lips. Recognizing the sensation, I started to panic. No. No, no, no, no, no. This can't happen again, not now. Come on, don't let the sight get to you.

      Fumbling with the items I took out of the body's pockets, I tried my best to focus. Small bag of crystals, possibly the same chemical composition as the powder on the...My stomach hurts. I can't hear. I can't see. I'm so damn cold... I couldn't do anything but press on. I'm almost finished anyways, why stop now?

      My eyes landed on a certain marking as a blurred voice from above me just barely reached my ears.

      "...Kid. You okay, Ciel?"

      In a panic, I shot straight up. Why did I do that? Stupid me. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Why the hell did I do that!?

      "Y-Yeah! I'm...I...
I'm... L-Lieutenant..."

      Letting out a soft, desperate whine, I collapsed into my father's friend.

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