VR Sickness - 1 (Accidentally Published)

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(AN: This story will be included in the same story as Fainting - 1 and I do not know what place it will have in the full story yet. Again, the character is Ciel Graye, a detective, and the other man is Hale Avalon, his godfather and a detective as well.)

     A section of the wall slid back and to the side, revealing a large open space.

     Stepping into the Simulation Room for the first time, I didn't really know what to expect. Lieutenant Avalon goes in that room sometimes, but he hasn't told me much other than "It's basically a room with 6 big screens that can help us get a better view on certain locations."

     Looking inside, the walls were a dark grey, reflecting the light that shined in through the entrance.

     My godfather clicked on a small device, seemingly closing the door behind us. I felt my chest start to tighten as the space around me went pitch black. Starting to hyperventilate, momentary fear took me over. Please, not for too long. Please, please. Let me out. Please.

     I felt my breathing and pulse slow down after feeling a hand grasp my shoulder once again.

     "Don't worry, kid. You'll be used to it in no time."

     "U-Used to what?"

     "Let's just say your eyes are going to confuse your entire body for a little while."

     "What do you m-mean by- Woah!"

     A blinding light from all directions pierced my eyes. Once I let my eyes adjust, the screens showed the other side of the border. Glancing down, the image of a rooftop told my legs I should be on an inclined plane and my brain that I was supposed to throw up soon. I had seen some of this place a while ago. Same parking lot there, same sign, same color...is this the border rooftop?

     Knees shaking, I pressed a hand to my churning stomach while trying my best to listen to my caretaker.

     "We send a few camera drones to take pictures of places nearby. As you can probably guess, this is the rooftop of the crime scene. Other than that- Are... are you alright, Ciel?"

     My legs wobbled as I pressed my hands to my mouth.

     "I'm...okay..." This isn't real. This shouldn't make me sick. Why am I doing this? Why am I still looking down!?


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2020 ⏰

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