Chapter 1

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BabyGirl had been acting weird all day and Daddy was having quite a deal of trouble finding the source. He hoped it was just the fact that they were meeting two new friends.

It all started a few months back when Daddy meet two wonderful people online, Anna and Thomas, Tommy when he's little. They all decided to meet up at a little coffee shop to get to know one another since they both duos lived around the same area. They all hit if off. It was Thomas's idea to have a play date with BabyGirl so they could get to know each other when they were little and so they'd both have a friend to play with.

BabyGirl was initially bubbly with joy and excitement about play with another little for the first time, but Daddy noticed as time went on and they got closer and closer to the day, she had lost a great deal of that excitement and had begun acting strangely. Getting in trouble more, having tantrums, not listening, or just being plain rude. Today was no different.

Daddy made sure that she went to bed early the night before so she wouldn't have to take a nap in the middle of the play date unless she needed it. She agreed with his logic and let herself drift off earlier than usual.

The next morning was crazy to say the least. Their friends weren't supposed to be over until around noon, BabyGirl supposed to be getting up around 9:30. It gave Daddy enough time to get her feed, washed, dressed and the same for himself. It was 11:30 and he had just gotten out of the shower, an hour later than planned.

"BabyGirl! Can you get yourself dressed in those clothes I picked out for you?" Daddy called out from the bathroom down the hall, drying his hair off with a hand towel, his body towel around his waist.

"But.. No want t' get dressed!" She whined. He sighed before pulling on a pair of boxers and walking out of the bathroom and to his room a few doors down the hall, BabyGirl laying down on the bed in the t-shirt he picked out and pj pants. He changed quickly while he tried to reason with her.

"Do you not want Anna and Tommy to come over then?" He asked, already knowing the answer.

"Me want them over bu', me no want pants! Want shorts!" She said back, kicking her legs. Daddy noticed the impending tantrum and quickly stood next to bed, in front of her. She stopped kicking and sat up, looking up at him. He had his arms folded over his chest.

"Sorry, Daddy..." She apologized, still upset but more contained. He bent down until he was eye level with her, brushing hair out of her face.

"I know, Sweetie. Daddy just doesn't want to have to put you in time-out because of a little tantrum. Strike one, okay?" BabyGirl nodded.

"Yes, Daddy." She said. "Bu' can me still wear shorts?" Daddy smiled.

"Yes. Go pick some out. I'll be downstairs getting things ready." He told her, slipping his shirt on. She smiled before jumping out of the bed and sprinting down the hall.

How did that not work?

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