Audition Fun

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Meghan Trainor - Better When I'm Dancin'

Tiki’s Pov.

It was a while after I had calmed down, and Roberto had left. I had finally come back out with the kids, feeling much better than I was earlier, but much calmer, and I was back to my usual peppiness. 
“Feeling better Tiki?” Blu asked with a nervous smile to which I nodded a bit in response to him. I then looked over at my brother and spoke up with more of a verbal answer for him.
“Yeah, I’m definitely feeling calmer than I was. Do you mind showing me around the area? I think a flight would be nice.” I smiled softly as I looked at him, but Jewel looked at us then shook her head, speaking up quickly.
“No, I think we should try a different approach. You have a very lovely voice, so how about you sing for everyone? Since Carla talked about you to Pedro and Nico, when they had dropped by, they and Rafael wanted to meet you. They would like you to try out for some auditions, just for fun of course if you want.” She suggested as she looked at me, which made me curious of who these birds were.
“Well, okay i’ll give it a shot?” I had replied uncertainly. I sometimes do get stage fright unless I was confident or... angry.
Carla looked at me with a bright smile and excitedly grasped my wing with her own, her smile making me grin back at her in response.
    “Cmon cmon cmon! I’m too excited to introduce them to you, Auntie Tiki!” She laughed, to which I chuckled and flew with her out of the nest, with the rest of the family following close behind.

A couple of moments later, we had landed by a stage-like, rocky area. It was filled with birds, and other animals that were very excited to watch the auditions. I was quite excited if I do say so myself!
    “Pedro, Nico, Rafael! I would like you to meet my Auntie Tiki!” Carla smiled brightly as she gestured to me excitedly when we had all landed. I smiled at the three birds politely.
“Please, call me Tiki.” I asked of them, and shook their wings when they held them out for me to shake.
“So you must be the gurl who put my boy Roberto in his place this afternoon!” Pedro grinned as he flew around me, my head moving around to watch him.
“Uh...yeah.” I raised a brow as I looked at him. Nico smiled as he flew a bit too close to my face to be comfortable.
“We had also heard you got some raging talent!” He grinned as he balanced a bottle cap, letting it roll along his shoulder and wing, then bumping it back up onto his head as he winked playfully.
“Yeah what he said, we would really like to hear you sing a song that brings more of a good mood to everyone, to give everyone a break from the hard rock and loud music.” Rafael smiled as he looked at me, which made me nod in agreement. I think of a song in my head quickly that had sounded perfect for the occasion.
“Alright, I have an idea for the song I'll do, when would you want me to head on up?” I asked curiously, which made them glance at each other quickly.
“We are on break, so go up in 5 minutes would ya?” Pedro replied with a grin before the three flew back over to their… ‘judge’ spots. I shook my head in amusement before I had turned to look at Blu and smiled. 
“Well I better get ready and have the musical birds know what I want them to play. I’ll see you in a bit.” I hugged my brother before I told the birds what melody I wanted, and then went up to hide behind some leaves up above on a branch, as I would glide down when the break was over.

A few minutes passed and it was time for me to start. I slowly glide down as I hummed with the melody, before starting.

Don't think about it
Just move your body
Listen to the music
Sing, oh, ey, oh
Just move those left feet
Go ahead, get crazy
Anyone can do it
Sing, oh, ey, oh
Show the world you've got that fire (fire)
Feel the rhythm getting louder
Show the room what you can do
Prove to them you got the moves
I don't know about you,
But I feel better when I'm dancing, yeah, yeah
Better when I'm dancing, yeah, yeah
And we can do this together
I bet you feel better when you're dancing, yeah, yeah
When you finally let go
And you slay that solo
'Cause you listen to the music
Sing, oh, ey, oh
'Cause you're confident, babe
And you make your hips sway
We knew that you could do it
Sing, oh, ey, oh
Show the world you've got that fire (fire, baby)
Feel the rhythm getting louder
Show the room what you can do
Prove to them you got the moves
I don't know about you,
But I feel better when I'm dancing, yeah, yeah
Better when I'm dancing, yeah, yeah
And we can do this together
I bet you feel better when you're dancing, yeah, yeah
I feel better when I'm dancing
I'm better when I'm dancing, aye, oh ey oh
Feel better when I'm dancing, yeah, yeah
Better when I'm dancing, yeah, yeah,
Don't you know
We can do this together
Bet you feel better when you're dancing, yeah, yeah
I feel better when I'm dancing
I'm better when I'm dancing, hey
Feel better when I'm, yeah, yeah

As I finished my singing, an uproar of applause had occurred, causing me to stumble back in surprise from how loud it was. I was shocked at how many people liked the song, which made me blush a bit, softly waving with a small bow before I had quickly flown over to Blu in embarrassment, hiding my face in his chest feathers. He chuckles slightly as he pats my head.
“You did so well sis, your singing has always been really good.” He smiled reassuringly as I looked up at him, making me playfully push his face away with my wing with a little smile.
“Oh shush Blu, you know exactly how I am when put in the spotlight.” I smile weakly before stretching a little.
“Now look at me, singing takes away my energy. I don’t sing a lot, but now, since I came here, I sing more often then I would usually do. I think I’ll take a well deserved nap after I can actually eat some lunch, since I haven’t even eaten anything because of this.” I smiled in amusement before noticing Tiago flying over with a small net with a couple of nuts in it, handing it to me.
“Here Auntie Tiki! I got some of these since you had missed lunch!” He grinned, his sister Bia who had caught up to her brother, lightly flicked his beak.
“You mean WE, Tiago? We got these together.” She rolled her eyes playfully as I smiled at them.
“Thank you Bia, thank you Tiago. I am quite famished from the audition I had done. I’ll be off to go and take a nap after eating some of these. I’ll see you all soon, goodbye!” I smiled, grasping the nuts from Tiago, ruffling their head feathers gently, then flying off to their tree and to the room Blu had offered me.

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