Trouble in Paradise

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No Excuses - By Meghan Trainor.

Tiki’s Pov.

I smiled softly as I landed inside Blu’s nest, it was quite spacious and held 4 different rooms. Looking around I spotted a beautiful female macaw tending to a young macaw, making me grin as I instantly knew they were my sister in law and my nephew.
“Jewel, Tiago, Carla, Bia! Come here please!” Blue called out and 2 more young macaws flew from their rooms and landed in front of me.
“Hello miss!” The two girls grin as they look at me, making me chuckle a bit and hug them, then i let my nephew join in as well when he had flown over to us.
“Oh it’s so nice to finally see and meet  you all, and please, call me Auntie Tiki!” I smiled and affectionately ruffled their head feathers then pulled away.
“Okay, you are my nephew Tiago, and which one of you girls is Bia?” I asked, making the one with hazel colored eyes raise her wing with a big smile.
“Then you must be Carla! The oldest.” I smiled as she puffed out her chest feathers proudly.
“Yep!” She grinned, her blue eyes twinkling.
“She may be the oldest but I’M the coolest!” Tiago smirked and struck a pose, folding his wings over his chest, making me chuckle.
“You are all very beautiful and you, handsome. Now go play while Blu introduces me to your mother.” I chuckled, gently pushing them along and letting them fly up to their rooms. I quickly turned around to look at Jewel, holding out my wing in greeting.
“Hey i’m Tiki! It’s nice to meet you Jewel!” I smiled as I looked at her, making her smile in return and shake my wing calmly.
“It’s nice to meet my sister in law. How was your flight? Blu didn’t talk you an earful about humans did he?” She asked jokingly yet held a smile of amusement, which made me raise a brow and look at her.
“I can tell you're not necessarily a human lover, heh, no worries my human mother-like figure is quite overbearing…”I replied softly and Blu wrapped a wing around my shoulders reassuringly.
“Oh, right, because you...didn’t grow up with your mother.” Jewel spoke slowly yet with caution, to which I nodded a little with a slight frown.
“It’s alright, it may be a bit of a sore topic but how can you love someone you don’t remember, or may have not really looked for you?” I sighed but put on a sad smile.
“I’m also sorry about your mother, I bet she was an amazing woman.” I spoke honestly and I knew Jewel and I could share a very special bond since we both didn’t have our mothers really growing up.
“Yeah...she was, but, now let’s leave this depressing topic behind and let us give you a warm welcome to our home!” Jewel’s grin lifted my mood and I gladly nodded with a relieved breath, but before she could show me more around their beautiful home outside their tree, another macaw flew in. This had made me blink in confusion, but...I didn’t mind he was a looker to be honest, hehe!
“Hey Blu! Can you- whoa... is this your little sister, man?” He asked as he looked at me with a seemingly normal smirk but had a look of curiosity.
“Yeah, who’s asking?” I raised a brow as I looked him.
“The name’s Roberto, little flower.” He asked as he grasped my wing and twirled me around once, then he had pulled me in for a dip. I blinked in disbelief.
“Oh you’re THAT Roberto...and um, excuse me? Do NOT call me LITTLE! And also, keep your wings to yourself!” I huffed and pulled away from him as he looked at me with a surprised expression.
“Who do you think you are? Walking in here, and calling me, ‘little flower?’ Let me tell you, I ain’t no tiny, innocent, 'little flower,' pal!” I glared at him as he only stared in shock, which had made me start singing and dancing. So i decide to show him my attitude and emotions to make him understand he shouldn’t be messing with this lady macaw.

Start Song Now:

What you sippin' on that got you talking crazy?
Lookin' at me sideways, always coming at me
Why you, why you acting hard when you just a baby?
Boy, I keep it real with you, but you trying to play me
Have you lost your mind?
Open up your eyes
(Someone else) You must have confused me, confused me with
(Someone else) You must have confused me, confused me with
(Someone else) There ain't no excuses, excuses, babe
(Someone else) Your mama raised you better than that, huh!
What you sippin' on that got you talking crazy?
Lookin' at me sideways, always coming at me
Why you, why you acting like you never met a lady?
I don't disrespect you, don't you disrespect me
Have you lost your mind? (lost your mind)
Open up your eyes
You must have confused me, confused me with
(Someone else) You must have confused me, confused me with
(Someone else) There ain't no excuses, excuses, babe
(Someone else) Your mama raised you better than that, huh!
'Cause your mama raised you better than that
'Cause your mama raised you better than that
Have you lost your mind?
Open up your eyes (your eyes)
You must have confused me, confused me with
(Someone else) There ain't no excuses, excuses, babe (no excuses, no, no)
(Someone else) Your mama raised you better than that, huh! (how she raise you?)
You must have confused me, confused me with
Your mama raised you better than, better than that
There ain't no excuses, excuses, babe
'Cause your mama raised you better than that, huh! (she raised you better than that)
I sassily shook out my feathers and turned away from him with an angry huff. I flew up and away from them to go cool down more with my Nieces, and Nephew, leaving Blu and Jewel to handle the mess Roberto made, and what I left behind. Which, I thought, was most likely a very immature thing of me to do. 

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