I'll always protect you...

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After a bit, you guys managed to open the final area, the fight against DJ Octavio. You two then enter the battle, and both of you pull out your hero weapons, Gloves smiles, "alright! Let's go save Callie!" You nod, "yeah, let's!" The match then starts and you guys turf over the ground while waiting for him to throw the punches, once he threw the punches, you and Gloves hit the punches back, phase one then goes by smoothly.

Then you guys go into the second phase, it's a bit tougher, but you guys kept going and you managed to finish phase two and go onto the next phase, phase three, you both had lost almost all your chances, by this point, both of you were on your last chances, you then look at Gloves, his roughed up, and so are you, Gloves looks at you, "I'm pretty sure there's one more phase after this, [Y/N]... We can do this!" You smile and nod, "we can.. let's not give up now!" You grip onto your hero shot and Gloves grips onto his hero dualies.

You guys then finish the third phase and then go onto the fourth phase where Gloves gets the rainmaker, and both of you jump onto the launch pad and then get launched onto the grind rails, "we're on the last phase!" Gloves says, and you nod, Gloves looks at you, "let's finish this!" You nod again, and then you guys both start dodging the punches. But you and gloves almost tumble off the rail but you both managed to stay on.. until...

Octavio throws a powerful spinning punch at you in midair, Gloves throws you the rainmaker and you catch it, "GLOVES?!" You shout to him, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Gloves looks at you, "PROTECTING YOU! ... you've been amazing to me, even though you were pretty mean at the start, I like having you as my friend, but... I don't want to lose you.. [y/n]... You mean everything to me, not just as a friend, but as more..." Gloves smiles, and he seems to cry a bit, "now.. finish this battle. For you, for off the hook, for the squid sisters... For the zapfish... For everyone in Inkopolis...and.. for me... ..I love you, you know that? I will always protect you..." Gloves then gets hit and knocked off the stage and he loses his last chance...

You stare, and start crying, "gloves..! No! I.. love you too.. but you shouldn't have done that.. for you.. I'll finish this! I promise!" You then continue the final fight by yourself, and defeat DJ Octavio and save the great zapfish and save Callie. You get launched back to the first spot and land near the grate, Marie and Callie look over to you, Marie stares, "there you are four, good job. But where's 4.5?" You stare at her and start crying, "HE FELL OFF! H-HE FELL OFF THE STAGE! HIS LAST CHANCE! H-His.. last life..." You drop your hero shot and you start crying into Marie's shoulder, and she stares at you and Callie does too.

Marie and Callie stay quiet, but Callie then says something, "4! Don't worry, me and Marie will find him!" You stare at Callie, "p-promise..?" Callie smiles and nods, "promise!" You nod, "..please... Please find Gloves.." Callie nods and you then wipe your face and leave to go to the Square.

I'll always protect you. [Gloves x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now