the finals

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You all start turfing right when you're allow to, so does Team Emperor, and Gloves looks at you, "be careful of the leader and the second in command, by that I mean Emperor and his younger brother, Prinz, they both use enperry dualies, they use ink jet kingdom and emperor's road." You look at gloves, "emperor's... Road..? Inkjet... Kingdom..?" Gloves nods, "yeah, they have two tactics..." You nod as understanding, and keep turfing.

After a while Emperor notices you and goes for you, you make and attempt to dodge, you do dodge emperor, but N-Pacer then aims and shoots you, gloves dodge rolls in the way and you manage to run away, but gloves gets Splatted, and you stare, "Gloves?!" Gloves shakes his head, "be careful of N-Pacer, she has bull's eye aim." You watch as Gloves goes back to spawn and respawns and he goes back to turfing and you had gone back to turfing already.

After it gets to one minute left, team Emperor heads to the middle to preform... Emperor's road.... Gloves notices, "dangit! We need to break emperor's road!" You nod, Half-Rim and Clip-On also nod and then they attempt to go for each member but all three of them get wiped and then you just stand there and attempt to splat one of them but get Splatted yourself.

Everyone respawns on gloves' team, "they're inking over the stage! And taking them on isn't going to end well..." Everyone apart from you nod and you step out of spawn and Gloves looks at you, "[Y/N]! What are you doing?!" You look at Gloves, "I'm trying to splat them!" Gloves shakes his head, "you'll be Splatted!" You look at Gloves, "Gloves! We are winning this! We can't give up now! We've came so far!" Gloves stares at you before he smiles a bit and he nods, "alright then..." All of Gloves team then comes out of spawn and they make an attempt to push back, you look at gloves, "if we can't break them... We copy them!" Gloves stares at you, "copy them?" You nod, "let's make a road like they are!" Gloves nods, "good idea.. actually." Half-Rim, Gloves, Clip-On and You all get into a row, just like team emperor, and then start inking the same way they were.

Emperor stares, "what are you guys doing," emperor chuckles, "trying to copy us?" You smirk, "maybe just a little.." you all then manage to start pushing back and Gloves special fills up, "alright.. let's go!" Gloves goes back and pulls out tenta missiles and shoots at every member of team emperor, Splatting only Prinz, but scattering everyone else, Emperor growls, and then You choose to take them on one by one.. but Gloves joins you, "I'll help you take out Emperor." You look at Gloves and Smile, "thanks, Gloves." Gloves smiles back and nods, you and him then take on Emperor. But in the end... Team Emperor... Wins... Keeping that title.

You sigh, "dangit...." Gloves sighs too, "it was a nice try.. hey [Y/N]." You look at Gloves, "yes gloves?" Gloves smiles, "I liked battling against you and along side you." You look at Gloves, and smile back, "I enjoyed battling along side you and against you too... It was fun.."

I'll always protect you. [Gloves x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now