Who are you? welcome to the square though.

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You tumble your way to the square after tripping over multiple rocks and roots, and you once again trip and fall onto the ground once you got to the square, a squid with neon green ink and the slick style comes over to you, "are you alright? You look like a mess." You look up at this squid, and stare at him, and he stares back, before rubbing his neck, "sorry for saying that, it's just... You look like you fell, a lot. Did you fall alot on your way here?" You stare at him before nodding, "yeah. I fell a lot... You don't need to point it out! I know I'm clumsy!" You let out a growl as you say this, the squid stares at you, "sorry for pointing it out then..."

You just roll your eyes, and lift yourself off of the ground and clean off your clothing, it was awkward as the squid just stood there, but he finally says something, "hey, you want me to show you around the square? Maybe you can get a make over too... New clothes too." You look at him, slightly irritated, "look, I know what I'm doing...I don't want a make over! I don't want new clothes! I'm not changing my hair!" The squid stares, "okay.. okay... But if you get lost, I can't help you as you don't want any help." You stare at him, "I won't need your help." You let out a slightly irritated sigh and walk away. The squid just watches you leave and he then sits by crusty Sean's.

After a few moments, you come back to the main square, where the squid was sitting, and he looks at you, "oh, hey again. Something wrong? Did you get lost?" You roll your eyes before sighing, "help, I got lost.. I can't find the clothing, weapon, shoes, hair salon, or hat shop..." The squid nods before getting up, "alright, cool, follow me." He then starts walking, and you follow him.

The walk was a bit awkward as neither of you said anything, but the squid finally says something, "what's your name anyways? I'm Gloves, by the way." You then look at Gloves, and Gloves looks at you, "what's your name? I don't want to call you squid/octopus... Really what's your name?" You stare at him, "why would I want to tell you?" Gloves stops and turns to you, "like I said... don't want to just call you squid/octopus... Really. It's not that cool to call someone their species...."  You roll your eyes before saying your name, "said my name, happy?" Gloves nods, "yeah, thanks [Y/N]." You just roll your eyes but nod, "where are you even taking me first..." Gloves had started walking again by this point, you keep following him, waiting for his answer.

Gloves then says where his taking you, "I'm taking you to the hair salon, so you can change your tentacle style." You stare at him, "seriously." Gloves nods, "come on, you're in a new place, your not in the plaza any more, there's new styles!" You just roll your eyes, and after a bit you guys end up in front of the hair salon and Gloves nods, and he goes in, You reluctantly follow him, "you can change your hair here. Feel free to. I'll wait." You stare at gloves before going to get your tentacle style changed.

(author's note: Choose your favorite hairstyle from your inkling's gender, as for octoling pick the hairstyle you like more, because you gotta shorten your tentacle style because your from the octarian army but Calamari Inkantation freed you. But your tentacles are still as long as their's. If you like the default hairstyles, that's alright, aka the tentacles down [female] and the topknot [male])

I'll always protect you. [Gloves x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now