a new you.

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After a bit, you get your tentacle style changed (or not if you're wearing the topknot/hippie style [tentacles down]) and you come back, and Gloves looks at you, "looking fresh, [Y/N]." Gloves gives you a thumbs up, "now, let's get you new, fresher clothes! Then a weapon, then you'll really look like you're from here." You touch your tentacles, feeling them and the way it was styled, you smile and nod, Gloves looks at you, "you like the style too?" You nods, "yeah.. actually... Thanks for bringing me here..." Gloves nods, "you're welcome [Y/N]. Now let's go to the next shop." You nod, and Gloves walks away, you follow behind him.

You two end up at the hat shop, and Gloves starts looking around the shop, you do too, "Hey, [Y/N]" Gloves looks up from what he was looking at and he looks over to you, and you turn around, "yeah gloves?" Gloves pulls a shirt out and holds it up, "you like this?" You stare at it before shaking your head, "not really..." Gloves shrugs before putting it back, "alright..."

You both just end up looking, and you finally pick out a shirt, and buy it, and then you two head to the shoe shop and buy some shoes you like and then to the hat shop, you buy a hat you like (just use your inkling/octoling clothing you have in-game that you normally wear, if you want.) Gloves looks at you, "I'll wait by the lobby for you to show me your new clothes all together, alright?" You nod, "okay Gloves." Gloves nods and leaves and sits down by the lobby.

After you put all the clothes on in the changing room, you meet Gloves near by the lobby, which you luckily knew where it was. You say something to Gloves, "hey gloves. Do you like my gear that I got? I mean the whole thing." Gloves looks at you, and your clothes before nodding, "yeah, like I said before about your hair, looking fresh!" Gloves smiles and nods, you smile slightly, "thanks for showing me around. Sorry that I didn't let you the first time." You say, as you rub the back of your neck, Gloves just nods again, "it's alright. Anyways let's take you to the weapon shop." You nod, but then you ask him a question, "wait what? A new weapon? Can't I use my weapon from the plaza?" Gloves shakes his head, "no, sorry [Y/N], but you can use the version of it from here. Or you could grab a new weapon." You pull out your weapon and stare at it before looking back at Gloves, "wait why can't I use the plaza version?" Gloves looks at you, "because the specials from the Plaza are not useable here, some subs arent useable. But we do have new specials and new subs, we have fizzy bomb, auto bomb and torpedo." You stare at Gloves, "uh.. fizzy bomb..? Auto bomb..? Torpedo???" Gloves nods, "yeah, they're new subs. Also some of the weapons from the plaza aren't here... A good example if a weapon not here is the E-Liter 3K both scopeless and scoped... The Berry splattershot pro... The corocoro splat roller... And a few more other weapons." You stare at Gloves, and look back at your weapon, "ah, okay.. let's get a new weapon then." Gloves smiles and nods before going to the weapon shop, you follow him.

I'll always protect you. [Gloves x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now