Chapter 10

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I looked down at myself. And felt like my hand was lighter.

Startled, I looked at my hand. "Oh my god, oh my god." I panicked. My heart started beating faster, my eyes wide. I quickly stood up, and he did as well.

"What is it, Ashley?" He held my hand. "Are you okay? I didn't hurt you, did I?" He turned my hand around to check for any bruises, his brows furrowed in. "I'm so sorry if I did. I didn't mean to. It must have been when we fell. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to. you know I wouldn-" I quickly put my hand over his mouth to stop his rambling. Smiling weakly at his cuteness.

"You didn't hurt me. I'm sorry I overreacted. I lost my bracelet. That my mom gave me." I mumbled the last part, removing my hand from his face.

"Oh. I thought I hurt you." He said looking down, still. He looked in my eyes, and the genuineness behind his eyes was crippling.

"Aww come on, Styles don't get all sappy on me." I bumped his shoulder with mine, smirking lightly.

He smiled as we made contact. "Anyways, what's it like?" he peered at me.

Looking at his eyes, I almost forgot what he asked, but I still replied, "It..Its silver and... It has lots of charms on it."

He looked at me, and his lips quirked up slightly, "How descriptive".

I scowled at him, and took my phone out to show him the first picture in my gallery where I knew I was wearing it. "Here" I said showing it.

He looked at it and bit his lip, nodding. "Okay. You should post this by the way."

I looked at him dumbfounded, "Seriously? A thing which is very important to me is lost and you are concentrating on my picture?"

"It is a really good picture" he said shrugging.

"Can we concentrate?", I said snapping my fingers in front of his face. Turning around to hide my blush, I shook my head and sighed. Boy, he gets distracted a lot.

Where can it be? I asked myself looking around.

"It must be in the ball pit." he suggested and I nodded in assent.

"Okay, let's make this fun then." he said suddenly ,turning to me. I raised a brow at his words, "If I find it, I get a kiss"

My eyes widened and I'm sure my face was red. "Why do you do this?" I whined. but smirky just shrugged.

Exasperated, I let out a huff, "fine". and I swear his whole face lit up. My eyes narrowed to slits.

Stupid smirky asshole.

"And if I win?" I asked, both of us turning towards the ball pit. My focus on getting my bracelet.

"You get a kiss" he said nonchalantly. I nodded, not realizing what he said, but as soon as I realized, I shrieked a "Wait what?!". But apparently, it was too late as he jumped into the ball pit, shouting "Geronimo!".

"Whose idea was it to come here? Oh yeah mine." I slapped my hand on my forehead. Rolling my eyes, I jumped into the ball pit, too.

Moving around in the ball pit was actually kinda fun. Especially when it felt like I was going through hundreds of rollers.

A lot of time had passed but I still couldn't find it. My heart thundered in my chest as my eyes started to burn. I quickly got out of the pit and looked around throughout the area, to no avail.

Sensing my sadness, Harry came up to me and wordlessly wrapped his hands around my waist hugging me close. My body tensed up at first, but then I closed my eyes and inhaled his scent. A fresh, clean, spicy scent, which was utterly masculine. And my body relaxed.

The warmth from his hands, encircled around my waist, made me feel safe and protected. A feeling that I find in very few. I felt like I could stay here forever.

Reluctantly, I straightened up, but still looked down. I didn't want him to see me cry. But he tilted my head up by my chin using his fingers. My vision was a bit blurry but I could clearly see the way his brows had creased and he was frowning.

"Don't worry. I'm sure it's here somewhere." I nodded, and wiped my eyes. Come on, Ash. You can't show any weakness.

"It's okay. I want to go now.", I whispered. He looked unsure, his eyes looking over my face, uncertainly, but then he nodded.

"Wait by the car, I'll be right there" he squeezed my arms gently, comforting me. I nodded, too upset for words.

I quietly went outside and stood by his car. He came out a while later. Standing in front of me he said, "I talked to one of their employees. If they find it, we'll know." I nodded quietly, and a tear slid down my cheek.

He gently cupped my cheek, angled my face up to his, and looked in my eyes. He pressed his lips to my cheek, capturing my tear, gently, as if I would somehow break.

He leaned back a bit, and looked deep into my eyes. With those green eyes of his, and those long thick lashes, I felt like he was staring right into my soul.

Slowly, oh so gently, I felt him draw towards me. His eyes intent on my face as if gauging whether I would protest. But I wouldn't, I realized. I wanted this. Capturing my lips in a sweet, gentle but passionate kiss, which took my breath away.

At first, I was too shocked to respond, but the feel of his soft, smooth lips working against mine, made me kiss him back. He groaned lightly and I felt his tongue on my lips, asking for entrance, which I gladly granted.

God, he felt so good against me. I thought, deliriously, as he held on to me more tightly. Shouldn't be doing this, shouldn't feel so good. His hand moving from around me to around my hips broke the stance I was under and I quickly shuffled back. Panting, I said stunned, "Wha-What was that?"

His cheeks and lips were red as he said, "I don't know, just wanted to comfort you I guess". I deflated at that. "Right" I scoffed. Way to comfort a woman, I thought. Wait, does he comfort everyone this way then? I looked at him suspiciously.

"I'll drop you home then" he said turning back and going around the car quickly before I could say anything else. I just stood there for a long while and went in the car quietly. This car ride is going to be hella awkward.

. . . . . .

A/N: I know I know. I've been gone a long long while but I hope I can come back and continue this. Here's to hoping.

Anyways lemme know how you like the chapter so far?

Love y'all,

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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