Chapter 8

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Steph is like this:

Steph is like this:

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Ashley's POV

I woke up to the smell of some muscular cologne. What the hell? I felt around the bed. Okay, this is definitely not my bed. And why the hell is it so dark? My hand touched something hard. I heard a throaty groan and I immediately pulled back. Someone mumbled something and I felt an arm drape around my waist.

To say I freaked out was an understatement. I screamed and kicked the person, again and again, until they fell off the bed. A lamp was flicked on, and I sighed in relief to see it was Harry. But then laughed at his state.

He was holding his crotch, eyes squeesed shut, groaning in pain. "What did I do?" He gritted his teeth. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry." I said, trying to hold in my laughter. In the end, I ended up laughing hysterically on the bed.

He finally got up, and sat on the bed. "You think this is funny?"

"Yes, as a matter of fact, I do."

I immediately regretted my answer. Eyes widening as Harry straddled my waist, holding both of my hands above my head in his left hand. He was smirking above me. His free hand came up to my side.

My eyes widened, catching on to what he was gonna do. "No."

He grinned, "Say you're sorry."

"Never!!!" I cried out. I wiggled under him. He started tickling me. My whole body shook. Hands trying to free themselves from their restrains. I tried kicking but he wouldn't budge. I squeezed my eyes shut and gave in.

"O-okay, I-I-I'm s-sorry", I wheezed out. I opened my eyes, still smiling. My smile fell when I realized how close we were. His eyes were looking into mine. Our faces so close, that our breaths were moulding into one.

"Good girl" he whispered. He leaned in and I turned my head to the side. His lips met my cheek. He sat straight up.

He released my hands and stood up from the bed, clearing his throat.

"Uh, I should probably..." He said, one hand pointing at the door, while the other rubbed his neck.

"Yeah" I breathed out.

He nodded and almost ran out of the room.

I fell back down on the bed. Congratulations Ash, you just made it awkward. I then mentally debated on getting up and going out or staying here and sleeping more.

In the end, I got up. When I went to the kitchen, I saw Harry making pancakes. His muscles flexing in the process. He expertly flipped the pancakes, his eyes fixed at the task in hand, a crease between his brows. When they were done, he added them to the stack.

As if feeling my presence at the door, he looked up and smiled, "Hope you like pancakes."

I nodded and then asked, "Umm, can I use your bathroom?"

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