Chapter 17

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"Jo please, let me throw a gender reveal party for you guys!" Mercy pleaded. "No Mercy, I don't want a gender reveal" I sighed sitting down on the couch waiting for Hero so we could go on our appointment with Dr.Pippin.

I'm now four months pregnant, my stomach is really big as if I'm already seven months already. Today we're finding out the genders of the babies. I have a feeling that we'll be having two girls while Hero thinks that we'll have both genders.

"Hero said I could throw a small gender reveal at the park down the road! C'mon babes it'll be fun" Mercy said sitting down next to me. "Well that's yours and Hero's business I already made up my mind" I said getting annoyed by this conversation.

I already told Hero I don't want to have a gender reveal party because my parents won't be there, even if I did and invited them, I'm pretty sure they would return the invitation, so why bother? 

"We're having that gender reveal Jo!" Hero yelled from the room. "No we're not!" I yelled loud enough so he could hear me. "Yes we are, end of conversation" he said walking out of the room, sitting on the floor in front of me.

"And how exactly are you going to have a gender reveal,if I don't show up?, because trust me, I. Will. Not.  Show. Up" I challenged crossing my arms over my chest.

"Jo why are you being so difficult? You know I'm not giving up until you agree so chill the fuck out, because I'll make sure you show up" he said ending the conversation. I just sighed and lay back on the couch.

I'm low key happy about the gender reveal but I'm sad at the point where I don't want I to show up. I'll be devastated if my parents weren't there. I miss them. Suddenly I could feel the tears slowly falling down my cheek.

I hurriedly got up from the couch, and went straight to the bathroom closing the door behind me and sobbed until I felt numb. My parents were suppose to always support me through every decision I make. I bet if it was Kath to be pregnant, they'll be happy, hell they'd probably even throw a party to congratulate her. Sometime I feel left out. No scratch that I always feel left out.

There was a knock on the door breaking me out of my thoughts "Jo babe open up" Hero said knocking lightly. I slowly got up and opened the door facing Hero "what's wrong" he asked pulling me into a hug. I sniffled wiping my eyes with the back of my arm. "I don't want to have a gender reveal or a baby shower if my parents are there, I know what they said was hurtful for me but, I don't think I could do this without them by my side" I sobbed into his chest.

"It's okay babe, you have me,Mercy,Kath you have your friends and you know how much the boys love you. You don't need to worry about your parents, they made their choice to be out of you life for what ever selfish reasons they had. I know they never seem to put you first, I'm sorry but fuck them, I'll always put you first, I love you" He said caressing my cheek. "I love you more" I whispered kissing him softly.

"As much as I want to fuck you right now, we're going to be late" hero smirked against my lips. Such a fucking tease.

As we drove to the clinic, we decided to get donuts and muffins from a small coffee shop. I haven't told Hero yet, but I already picked out names for our babies if their both girls.

After a few minutes we arrived and I had to fill out some paper works,I don't get the point of filling out one during every visit. We finished the paper work and waited patiently for Dr.Pippins to call us in.

"Good afternoon Josephine and Hero" she smiled as we walked into the white room. "Good afternoon" I smiled back while Hero nodded his head.

"You know the drill right?" she asked smiling brightly. I nod my head and made my way over to the examination table and lifted my shirt, laying down waiting for the gel to be placed on my stomach.

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