present day

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2020 This was to be the best year for the slender brother's their wife was ready to breed for the first time scenes they met all those years ago. She had spent most of her teenage years in 

England learning how to take care of slender pups and how to hunt humans for her puppy's when they start to eat meat for the first time. In the spring it was the perfect time to start to nest 

but the brothers started the nest little did they know only the females build the nest. The males are to get the softest things for the nest like pillows and blankets the brothers where left alone 

as young slender beings to young to learn to have a mate and a nest. As night fell and the proxies came home to find the brothers in the large room that they where not allowed in for as long as 

they lived there. before anyone could ask what was going on there was a loud roar outside slender picked up his head and said "she's here get ready boys" as the other slenders nodded 

shewing the kids out and pushing them to the door "boys and girls meet the love of our lives Luna" said splendor as a large pitch black slender with blue eyes and huge wings down on all 

fours she was twice the size of the brothers but in a flash of light stood in her place a blonde young women with the biggest bluest they have ever seen "is this better my children" she asked

 stepping closer she was at least 5 foot 1 in this form "are you ok dears you look shocked oh I see did you boys not tell them who I was before I came here" she scolded as offender looked at the 

ground like a kid being scolded "we forgot to" he whispered as one of his long white tentacles snakes around her wast in a loving way "are you going to be my new mommy" asked sally as 

she peaked out from slenders long legs "sally you cant ask someone that" scolded Jeff but before he could continue Luna cuts him off "well if you want you all can call me mom I know all 

of your back stores from what my husbands write to me when I was in England learning how to be a mother to the next generation of slender cubs" "ok thanks mommy" said sally as she hugs her

                                                                                   (time skip)

                                                                                      2 weeks                                                                                      

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2021 ⏰

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