Dark red and bright red blood met on the ground, encircling the bodies of the two. Ye Zhizhou raised his hand and pressed his cheek, and choked back the "No..." Why... why did it become like this...

[Qiu Xiangyu and the protagonist have lost their vitality. The fourth soul flag has disappeared. All the soul flags in this world have been removed, and the mission has been completed. Will you enter the next world?]

He selected no, wiped his face, looked at the body in the hallway for a few seconds, and rang the alarm bell. "Xu Yi died. After ten minutes, the cleaning procedure will start. Asking departments to please prepare."

Zhong Qiu, who was in the observation room for patient examination, heard the radio. He paused in his work and turned to run to the surveillance room. Yan Zheng, Wei Xu, Liang Ping... Everyone stopped their work and gathered without hesitation to Ye Zhizhou's side.

After Xu Yi's death, the virus in his space spread out into the corridor. Zhong Qiu used a stupid method, filled the corridor with the vaccine and then closed the corridor for a month.

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Three months later, the vaccine was sent to every corner of the world; six months later, the spread of the zombie virus was controlled; a year later, the high level zombies stopped upgrading and their numbers were getting smaller; three years later, the countries have finally destroyed all the zombies with their bodies were disposed of, and the city's recycling and cleaning work began. Five years later, the world finally had a peaceful appearance like how it was before the end of the world.

On the day the base wall was demolished, Ye Zhizhou made a big meal, invited all his relatives and close friends, held a small private engagement dinner with Zhong Qiu, and then got drunk. The next morning, he went alone to a hill outside the base and paid his respects to an unknown tomb.

A few decades later, he and Zhong Qiu lie together holding hands and looks at the blue sky and white clouds and smile. "I want to know your real name... forget it, I will go to the next world to find you. Remember to wait for me." After saying this, he closes his eyes, moves sideways into the arms of his lover who was gradually losing warmth, opens the system and chooses to enter the next world.

There was the sound of rain, quarreling, the sound of things falling, and then the sound of a slamming door.

Ye Zhizhou's consciousness moves away from the darkness and gradually returns to reality. He sat up on the bed and found himself in a spacious and welcoming room. There was a basketball in the corner, and a badminton racket hanging on the wall. He held out a hand with young and delicate skin, with a sports watch and a wristband on his arm.

It seems that this time, the original body is a young boy who loves sports.

There was a photo frame on the bedside table. He took it and looked at it. He saw a photo of two teenagers. A handsome boy and sunny boy full of youth in a cheerful atmosphere, making people who looked unconsciously bend their lips into a smile. Looking at the clock hanging on the wall, 4:30 in the afternoon, the original owner was probably taking a nap.

Ignoring all of the noisy sounds outside, he looked around the bed, and finally found a small mirror of a pink kitten's head from the quilt. He was silent for a bit before saying, "Tongtian, you can use pink again, are you very happy? "

The fake feather tail at the lower end of the small mirror moved, then slammed open to reveal a pill.

"What is this?"

[The mission reward of the last world, Hua Xing Pill.]

"What?" Ye Zhizhou blinked his eyes.

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