I looked over to see Sonic, his eyes full of worry and still squinted with sleep. I quickly cuddled into his chest as I continued to sob. He wrapped his arms around me. "Hey, your fur is changing...did you have a nightmare?"he asked.

I couldn't even speak. My body was hurting from how hard I was crying. "I'm so sorry. Cry as long as you need to,"he said softly. He rubbed my back and kissed my forehead until I was only sniffling. "You wanna talk about it?"he asked.

I shook my head. "N-No,"I replied softly. How can I talk about that? It was...horrifying.

Last night, Sonic and I kissed. We were in the kitchen and it just happened. It was wonderful until Amy walked in on us and she went crazy. She was yelling and she called me names. She called me a whore. A freak. A monster.

Sonic yelled back at her in my defense and took me up to my room where we fell asleep together. Before we fell asleep, Sonic consoled me and told me it wasn't true what she said and to not believe her.

But I am. I'm a monster.

When I finally calmed down, Sonic got up and said he'd be going to town to get me some things. When he left, I took a shower and put on some black leggings and a gray T-shirt.

I stayed in my room. I couldn't face anyone after my nightmare. I'd probably start crying again. I sat on my bed, my knees up to my chest and my face in them.

My door opened but I didn't look up. It closed.


I didn't look up. But I could tell it was Amy. "I'm going to tell you something no one else has the guts to tell you,"she said. I still stayed silent.

"Sonic doesn't actually like you. He used you to get information about Eggman and kept you happy just so we would find a way to kill you before we took you back."

I looked up at her. She just stood there, staring down at me with disgust. "He wouldn't. Sonic does love me,"I said. "That's what he wanted you to think. He went to town to get flowers for you. As a goodbye present. We're taking you back today. You're just too much to handle,"she said.

My chest tightened as I glared at her. "That doesn't make any sense. Why would he treat me so well if he was gonna take me back?"I asked. "Like I said, we had to keep you happy. I know what happens when you get upset,"she said.

My stomach dropped and I looked down. "I don't...I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't play dumb. I saw it at Sonic's party. I saw your fur when you ran up to your room. You can fool everyone but you can't fool me."

"I'm not trying to fool anyone."

"Your fur turns black and you lose control and you hurt people,"she continued. "I don't!"I yelled, slamming my hand on the bed. She snickered. "See? It's already starting. Calm down. I wouldn't want to end up worse than Kendall,"she said.

I looked down to see my fur turning black on my leg. "I didn't mean to hurt him. You're the one that made him come on to me."

"Maybe. But I'm not the one that made him bleed. Sonic doesn't love you. How can he love someone so dangerous? You should just leave before he gets back. Make it easier for all of us."

Sonic's POV~

I held the bouquet of purple pansies close to my chest as I walked down the sidewalk. I hope (Y/n) likes them. With Amy saying those things about her last night, I just want to make her feel better.

I was going to tell her I loved her last night but Any just had to come downstairs and ruin it. I want to tell her now but I don't think it's the best time to-

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