𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 11

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Spooky Skeletons

(ノ>ω<)ノ :。・:*:・゚’★,。・:*:・゚’☆

About a week had passed since the Gryffindors beat the Slytherins and today marked the eve of Halloween.

The Weasley Twins and Vivia had something very special planned for the holiday. Right now they were discussing their plans with Peeves the Poltergeist.

Giggling and snickering until they couldn't breath, Fred and George eventually said, "Alright, Peeves. You know what to do." The Twins saluted the Poltergeist while Peeves winked and flew off.

They all turned back around and Fred and George looked to Vivia with a certain twinkle in their eye. "K guys. This is it!" "Our time has finally come!" "You got your costume, Vivia?"

"Yep! It's laying on my bed all ready to go!" The blonde excitedly bounced her foot. Energy radiating off of her in waves making her smile and giggle and seem full of life.

"Wicked!" The twins and Vivia high fived each other before heading out of the Great Hall and racing back up to Gryffindor Tower.

That night neither the Twins nor Vivia could fall asleep. Instead, they laid awake in their beds before finally the clock hit 5 and all three of them shot up.

Briskly changing into her skeleton costume, Vivia pulled her hair back into a low ponytail before glancing in the mirror and deeming herself set.

Hopping down the stairs two at a time, Vivia met Fred and George in the Common Room all three grinning mischievously.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Later that morning

"Happy Halloween, Harry!"

"Happy Halloween, Ron!"

The two boys were awake and sitting on the couch in the Common Room when Hermione came down.

"Let's go get some grub! I'm starving!"

"You're always starving, Ron," Hermione giggled.

Ron looked back and winked at her as the Golden Trio pushed through the portrait hole and headed downstairs to breakfast.

As Ron, Harry and Hermione entered through the tall double doors the prank that the Weasley Twins and Vivia had planned went off with a mighty bang... literally.

"AHHHH!!" Ron leaped at least ten feet in the air while Harry pulled Hermione behind him and whipped out his wand.

A giant life-like Dragon head had appeared springing out of nowhere like a frightening Jack-In-A-Box.

"Guys! Guys! It's okay! It's not real!" Vivia came running up to them trying to calm them down, but ultimately forgot about her costume.

"AHH! SKELETON!" Ron ended up jumping into Harry's arms like Scooby Doo in the cartoon.

"Ron! It's not real!" Hermione yelled hitting the poor boy upside the head with one of her books.

"It's not?" Ron whispered, shakily climbing down out of Harry's arms and slowly shuffling over to the apparently not-so-real 'Skeleton'.

"Hey, Vivia," Ron murmured reaching out to touch her hand to see if she was real.

"Hey, Ron," Vivia waved, secretly enjoying the look of fright spread all over the boy's face.


"Ok, come on." Hermione grabbed Ron's arm leading him over to the Gryffindor table and sitting him down. She filled his plate and poured him some juice since he was still a bit spooked from the prank.

Meanwhile, Harry and Vivia stood near the doors laughing and grinning at the redhead's reaction.

"That was an awesome prank," Harry complimented as the two casually strolled over.

"Thanks! Though, I can't take all the credit. Fred and George helped a bunch!"

"Of course," Harry chuckled before sitting down beside Hermione and digging in to the delicious food.

"Oh, and Harry?"


"Be careful when you're walking around. Peeves may or may not have dung bombs."

And with that young Vivia Lovegood joined her friends at the Gryffindor table helping herself to a hearty breakfast and continuous fun-filled pranks with the Weasley Twins.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

A/N: Just a filler chapter to get us to the next part.

Idiosyncratic [HP AU Fanfic]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon