𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 10

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Gryffindor vs Slytherin

(ノ>ω<)ノ :。・:*:・゚'★,。・:*:・゚'☆

The next day after going to the Library to do some research on their mother the girls had learned from Oliver that the first official Quidditch game of the season was to start after breakfast that morning.

"You need all the nutrition you can get! We don't want you falling asleep in midair now!" The Gryffindor Captain, Oliver Wood said as he came strolling over.

Oliver advised the girls to stock up on eggs and bacon saying that they would provide the most energy.

"Here's some Pumpkin Juice." Harry handed Vivia and Ginny each a glass of the thick orange liquid.

"Thanks, Harry." Ginny smiled, making sure he saw the best angle of her.

"Yeah, thanks you two! This really helped!"

"No problem. Now, once you're done come down to the Pitch and we'll get you both ready." Oliver then left them to finish their meal.

Fred and George perked up towards the end of Oliver's statement, and decided to come over and join them.

"So, little Ollie gave you two the big morning speech?"

"Yeah. Actually, his advice really helped!"

"Yep! That's Ollie for ya!" Fred grinned while George finished his sentence saying, "He knows everything when it comes to Quidditch. No doubt he's gonna make you his little superstars."

"It all sounds really exciting." "Before you hear his big long pep talk before each game." "We've memorized it word for word." "Yeah, you wait and see!" "We'll know just what little Ollie is gonna say down at the Pitch."

Vivia sat mesmerized by how the two boys could finish each others sentences at the drop of a hat. She wondered if her and Luna could possibly do that.

Speaking of Luna, "Good luck at the game!" She yelled, causing Ginny and Vivia to whip their heads around and smile.

"Thanks, sis!" Vivia hollered back before quickly finishing up her eggs and slurping down the rest of her Pumpkin Juice.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Oliver clapped his hands as the team gathered in front of him. "Alright men."

"And women," Angelina pointed out.

"And women," Oliver nodded.

"This is it," Fred began.

"The big one," George continued.

"The one we've all been waiting for."

The twins cheekily winked at Vivia and Ginny causing the two to smile and hide their giggles in their hands.

Oliver, though, heard it all and scolded, "Shut up, you two!"

This caused Fred, George, Vivia and Ginny to burst out laughing which ended up making Harry and Angelina laugh as well.

Oliver just rolled his eyes and continued his speech explaining to his team the exact plays and broom movements that they would need to perform in order to beat Slytherin and win their first game.

"Alright team! Let's do this! Let's beat those Slytherins arses and win us the House Cup!"

"Is he always this excited?" Ginny felt the need to ask.



"Every hour."

"of every day."

"All week."

"And all month."

"Till next year," Fred and George said together.

"I quite like his enthusiasm. It gets me pumped for the game."

"Thanks, Vivia," Oliver murmured as he lead his fellow Gryffindors outside and across the field where the slimy Slytherins were standing.

"No problem, Oliver." Vivia smiled as the two captains shook hands and both teams lifted up into the sky beginning the first official game of the season.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

As Harry searched around for the snitch Vivia, Ginny and Angelina got straight to work scoring as many points as possible for their team.

Lee Jordan could be heard in the background commentating away and as the Gryffindors kept racking up points the Slytherins were taking to more drastic measures.

"And here comes Ginny with the Quaffle! Oh, barely missed a bludger to the head there! And here comes Slytherin Adrian Pucey trying to steal it away! Go, Ginny, Go!"

"Ginny!" Vivia yelled from below. A tiny signal too small to attract Pucey's attention gave Gryffindor the advantage and Ginny soon passed to Vivia allowing the lions to score another 10 points.

"Yes!! Great play there by Gryffindor! Now if only Harry could find the snitch."

All the players hearts were beating fast, but probably none were as fast as Harry Potter's.

Frantically looking for the round golden ball was all he found himself doing for the past hour and a half.

His luck seemed to have gotten him this far in life. Why couldn't it help him here?

Finally, after a century passed the boy with round glasses spotted the sneaky snitch floating near the Slytherin goal post.

"There." He whispered, taking off at the speed of light trying not to let the other seeker beat him.

Lee Jordan's voice boomed throughout the stadium as soon as he saw Harry Potter with the golden snitch in hand.


Three-fourths of the crowd erupted in cheers and shouts while the Slytherin section let their disappointment be heard by booing.

"They're just sore losers." Hermione yelled over the noise. She and Ron had come down to congratulate the team and give Harry a big hug.

"Good job, you guys!" Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnigan exclaimed, showing their house pride with their Gryffindor scarves wrapped around their necks.

"Thanks! But we couldn't have done it without our newest Chasers!" Fred and George lifted Vivia onto their shoulders while Harry and Oliver lifted Ginny.

Of course, this action made Ginny blush a deep crimson, but it wasn't noticeable from the strong winds and cool temperature.

"Woooo! Go Gryffindor!!" Lee Jordan yelled as he finally made it down to the Pitch with everyone else.

"Hey, Lee! This is Vivia Lovegood. Vivia, this is Lee Jordan." The twins introduced the two and they shook hands.

"It's nice to meet you, Vivia. I've heard lots from the twins. They say they think you'd make a pretty good prankster."

This caused a wide Cheshire Cat grin to appear on Vivia's face. "Really?!"

"Yeah." "Definitely."

The next two words that fell from her mouth caused the twins to almost have a heart attack, "I'm in!"

"Wait." "Seriously?!"

"Yeah! I've been meaning to ask you two for awhile now. I just wasn't sure how."

"Well, then if that's the case." "Welcome to the best group of pranksters there ever was!" Fred and George couldn't help but smile once Vivia registered what they said in her head.

Vivia hopped down off the twins shoulders and hugged them. "Thanks guys. It means a lot," She murmured.

"Awww, little missy here is making me tear up."

Vivia broke away from the hug and looked up. "Seriously, though. Thank you. I'm glad I met you two."

"We're glad we met you as well." "You know what this calls for?"



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