𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 7

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True Potential & A Rare Occurance

(ノ>ω<)ノ :。・:*:・゚'★,。・:*:・゚'☆

It is officially the second day of classes at Hogwarts and Vivia is already proving to be mighty good at quite a few subjects. Potions went by with barely any trouble at all, but now it was time for the girls to test out their abilities in Transfiguration.

A grey striped tabby cat sat on the desk belonging to the one and only Minerva McGonagall. It kept its pale green eyes trained on the students who were walking in and only did it finally move once all the students had taken their seats.

Effortlessly transitioning back into her human form Professor McGonagall received a round of applause from the awestruck students.

"Hello everyone. As you all know by now I am Professor McGonagall and in this class you will learn the topic of Transfiguration. Transfiguration is one of the most complex and dangerous types of magic you will learn here at Hogwarts. So a word of warning to anyone who decides to mess around, you will leave and not come back."

After introducing the subject for the day and taking down very extensive notes the students were shown the first item that they would be transfiguring.

"We're of course going to start out very simple. A single match is sitting in front of each of you. If you can turn it into a needle you will receive extra points and for those of you who cannot you will still receive full marks for trying. Alright, let's begin shall we?"

After about four tries Ginny was able to do it. Meanwhile, Vivia had accomplished the simple spell in two seconds flat. Both of them ended up receiving extra points, however, Professor McGonagall was much more impressed with Vivia.

"Good job girls!" She said as she passed by their table. "Oh for goodness sake, Justin!"

Ginny and Vivia chuckled at the boy struggling with the spell and by the end of class they were the only two able to perform the spell in its entirety.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

The next class of the day was one that Vivia and Ginny were highly anticipating. Flying on a broom and eventually trying out for Quidditch was something both girls shared a common interest in.

"Oh, I'm so excited for Flying class, Ginny! I finally get to experience what flying on a broom feels like!"

"You've never flown before?" Ginny asked incredously. "Then how do you know you'd like it?"

"I just do. I can imagine the wind flowing through my hair, the adrenaline spiking my heart rate, the loud cheers from the crowd as I help my team to victory." The young blonde became lost in her imagination causing Ginny to lightly chuckle and smile.

"That sounds amazing!" Ginny replied.

"Like a dream come true." Vivia sighed.

Once the girls made it to class they were first introduced to their instructor, Madam Hooch. She was a lean, agile woman with short, spiky grey hair and yellow hawkish-looking eyes. As she began teaching Ginny and Vivia couldn't help but stand amazed at how much this woman actually knew about flying.

"Now if you all will stand to the left of a broom we're going to practice summoning them."

Ginny and Vivia hurriedly scurried over when she announced this. As soon as they were positioned by a broom they went ahead and tried to summon it by following the professor's instructions and saying 'up.'

"Up!" Students all around were repeating this over and over until they were finally able to summon their wooden sticks.

Of course, Vivia and Ginny were the very first to do it earning them a simple nod and a smile from the hawk-like lady.

"Alright everyone, I think that's all for today. You all did splendid and when we meet again we'll try the next step. Mounting."

As everyone began filing out the door Madam Hooch called for Ginny and Vivia to stay behind.

"Girls, I am very impressed with you. Do you realize that not many first years are capable of summoning their brooms on their first try?"

After seeing their excited faces and triumphant grins Madam Hooch couldn't help but shake her head good-naturedly.

"Girls, I do believe you've won yourselves a spot on the Gryffindor Quidditch team."

Vivia couldn't help but gasp even though it wasn't too much of a surprise.

"Are you serious?!" Ginny squealed.

"Yes, as a matter of fact I am very serious. With your natural abilities Gryffindor is sure to win the House Cup this year."

"Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!" The two girls danced around excitedly as Madam Hooch just laughed and smiled down at them.

"I'll be sure to talk to Professor McGonagall about letting you two on the team. Quidditch is gonna start soon, so you'll need all the practice you can get."

"We are very excited, Professor! Thank you again for the opportunity!"

"You're welcome girls! I'll see you next class!"

Idiosyncratic [HP AU Fanfic]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя