𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 3

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The Sorting

(ノ>ω<)ノ :。・:*:・゚’★,。・:*:・゚’☆

As the wooden doors opened everyone went silent. Nothing but the echoes of footsteps could be heard as the first years were lead to the front.

From what Vivia could see there was a small wooden stool placed at the front of the room. With four long tables each representing a different House and students of all ages sitting and watching. At the front there was a long white table for the professors. In the middle was Albus Dumbledore, the Headmaster.

With everyone watching them Vivia grew nervous. Her hands started to shake and beads of sweat started to form on her forehead. Luna had noticed her anxiety and calmly took her hand.

Holding her hand was always the best way to make Vivia less nervous. It made the nerves disperse and instead placed a feeling of security upon her. As long as her sister was beside her she knew she'd be okay.

By then they had made it to the front and the Sorting Ceremony had begun.

Vivia and Luna soon came to realize that a hat would be put on their head and it would magically shout the house they would be in.

Most of the students had been called and sorted by now and the only ones left seemed to be the three girls. Ginny knew she'd be last because of her name.

Soon enough the first of the Lovegood twins was called.

"Luna Lovegood." Professor McGonagall announced.

Luna let go of Vivia's hand and casually strolled up to the front. She took a seat on the old wooden stool as the Sorting Hat was placed on her head. Luna paid no mind when the Hat began to talk. She knew it'd do something of the sort. She was at Hogwarts after all.

Ahh. A Lovegood. I remember when I sorted your mum and dad. Ah good times. Good times. I know just where to put you.


The Ravenclaw table burst into cheers and the students all clapped as Luna made her way over sitting by a boy with dark brown hair.

"Vivia Lovegood."

This is it. The moment she's been waiting for.

As Vivia hopped on the stool and the Hat was placed on her head she must admit she did jump when the Hat let out a grunt.

"Do you talk?" Vivia asked quietly.

Well of course I talk. I am the Sorting Hat after all.

"Oh of course. Sorry. I'm just really excited... and a little nervous." Vivia tried hard to ease her worries, but it was seemingly impossible.

Hmm. Nothing at all like your sister. You my dear are a tough nut to crack. Maybe Hufflepuff... mm... no maybe not. Definitely not Slytherin and for sure not Ravenclaw...

"Wait a minute. Did you say not Ravenclaw?"

Why yes. You, my dear, are much different compared to the rest of your family.

"I'm just curious because everyone in my family is a Ravenclaw. If I'm not in Ravenclaw they'd probably be upset."

My dear girl. I'm sure your parents will be pleased once they hear you're in...


Everyone froze. It was as if time went still. A Lovegood in Gryffindor? That's never happened before. Finally, after what felt like ages the Gryffindor table burst into applause.

Vivia though was still too shocked to move. Professor McGonagall had to ask if she was alright before she finally got up and headed over to the group of cheering lions.

"Great job!"

"Way to go!"

That's all she could hear until Ginny was called up next.


That seemed to perk her interest because as soon as she saw the red headed girl making her way over Vivia tackled her into the biggest hug.

"We did it! We're in the same house!" Ginny said jumping up and down with the biggest smile.

"Yeah. We did." Vivia was still confused on how she got into Gryffindor and not Ravenclaw, though.

"What's wrong?" Ginny asked as they both sat down at the edge of the table.

"How did I get put in Gryffindor? My whole family is Ravenclaw. I just don't understand." Vivia hadn't bothered listening to Dumbledore's speech as she was still stuck in her thoughts over what happened.

It wasn't until Ginny grabbed her hand and lead her out of the room that she realized it was time for bed. Her thoughts had completely taken over causing her to miss dinner entirely.

I didn't have anything to eat. She thought as the two girls followed the rest of their house up to Gryffindor Tower.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Once the first years were given the tour of the Common Room everyone went up to bed apart from two. Vivia and Ginny sat side by side on the Gryffindor sofa. Vivia was sitting silently which was a surprise to Ginny. That is until she heard her stomach growl.

"I noticed you didn't eat dinner. So, I brought you something." Ginny said as she took out a folded napkin filled with biscuits and another filled with turkey.

"I made sure to grab plenty of butter." Vivia chuckled and thanked the girl. She proceeded to eat in silence until Ginny asked a question.

"So, what was with you tonight? Why are you upset that you got into Gryffindor?"

"I'm not upset. I'm just confused, but I think I understand now. You know how I'm the complete opposite of my sister. I'm loud and energetic where she's more calm and quiet. I'm more daring while she's laidback. I have a feeling that's why I was put into Gryffindor. I'm the first in my family to break the norm." Vivia sat back and watched the flames dance in the fire as Ginny took in everything she said.

"I think you're right. I'm just glad we're here together. I was so afraid I wouldn't make any friends." Ginny looked down at her lap not able to meet the other girls gaze.

"I don't think you have anything to worry about, Ginny. You're an amazing person and I'm so glad I met you." Ginny looked up and a small genuine smile spread across her face.

"I'm glad we're friends." Ginny whispered to which Vivia beamed back and agreed.

With full bellies and happy smiles the two girls climbed up the stairs to their dorm and quietly slipped into bed.

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