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harolds pov

It had been over three days since I've talked to anyone apart from my family, with the exception of a few girls wearing skimpy dresses.

Honeslty I don't fell like going to the party tonight. It's a Monday, who can be fucked. Louis invited me, but he's not the host so he can't decide that. Eventhough I would probably already endorsed to go.

I am tired as fuck, I was out all night doing God knows what. I was hammered and I don't have any idea how I got home. I must have lost my car, considering I have no fucking clue where it is now.

Stumbling out of my bed, I pick up a most likey dirty shirt from the floor and slip it on. I didn't have to put on pants, I fell asleep with my jeans on.

I hear clatter downstairs, Mum, Gemma and Dan must already be up. I suddenly don't want to go down. Doesn't Dan have to be somewhere, like a job or something? I've never seen that shitface leave the house.

I check my phone for the time, 1:02pm.

Looks like I am skipping school today.

I rub my face and groan at the throbbing coming from my skull. I ruffle my hair up and ungracefully reach the kitchen on the floor below.

"Harry!" Mum seemed suprised when she spotted me, "I didn't know you were home, your car wasn't in the driveway. Where is it? Why aren't you at school? It's your last year at high school, Harry! You have to take this seriously." she scolded me as she put the lid on the blender.

"You talk to much." I say, completely ignoring everything she just said. She is used to it.

"Where is your car?" She turned on the blender. The sound it made was loud, in an extremely annoying way. It hit me hard and I immediatly bought my hands up to ears, trying to block out the noise.

"Shut up! And I don't know." I exclaimed. She waited a few more seconds before she twisted the dial and pulled out the plug.

Mum sighed and pursed her lips, "but you will get it back, right?" She cautiously asked.

"I don't know, Mum, maybe." I grumbled.

She put her shoulder length brown hair into a bun, "we are going aunt Audrey's tonight."


I shake my head, "I'm going to a party tonight." I don't want to go, but I guess I have to now.

"I don't care." Mum sipped at the drink she just made.

"What the fuck? You can't make me change my plans." I threw my hands in the air, then falling beside me with a clap.

"Harry, I am your mother and you still live under this roof. You haven't seen your aunt in months, she would love to see you."

"I'm eighteen."

"And guess what else! Joey and Nate are in town, we'll be able to catch up with them too."

I rolled my eyes, "well when you put it that way. . ."

Mum glared at me, "and I don't want your 'tough boy' attitude, okay? This is a family get-together."

I began to walk away, she makes me sound like a fifteen year old, "yeah, whatever."

She chuckled, "You can bring Niall along if you like." I turned around and glared at her, since when does she think she knows what's going on. ". . .or not" she added.


I cannot believe I'm actually here. Audrey, my Mum's sister and Nate, her brother and his son Joey who is thirteen and I all sit around on the burgundy couches. The place is hardly lit. The dim yellow wall lights look like they could be a hundred years old and the ugly purple wallpaper is peeling off at the corners. It smells like cats and feet.

This is hell.

Pretty much the only family I have left all talk about fishing as I disregard their attempts to chat with me. I used to go fishing with my dad, but since when did my mum fish?

Where is Gemma, anyway? I haven't seen her all day. How come she doesn't have to be here?

Audrey stands up, "okay, I am going to go start dinner." She says with a clap. My mum and her brother say okay and Audrey pats me on the head as she walks past. She moves before I could slap her hand away and Joey chuckles. I glare at him but his smile doesn't fade. Barstard.

"I didn't know we where staying for dinner." I grumbled.

Mum rolls her eyes, "so?"

I also roll my eyes but I don't reply. I sit back in my seat and pull out my phone. This would be a lot more interesting if Niall were here. He would agree to come wouldn't he?

No, he would want to go to that fucking frat party.

Why the fuck is he even 'mad' at me. He's acting like a fucking kid.

"What are we having?" Joey asks excitedly. Rain beings to splash on the windows. My eyes narrow.

"Soup, probably." Nate said.

"Soup?" A look af horror washed over Joey's young face, "you said I could have chips tonight!"

"You can't have them every night." His dad said.

"But you promised!" His eyes started to water. Oh God, the spoiled little shit is going to cry because he didn't get chips.

"Joey, I didn't promise anything-"

"You said I could have chips tonight because I did all of my homework! What? You think I did all that for nothing?" He cut his dad off.

"You shouldn't need to be bribed to do your homework." Nate was trying to stay calm, he didn't want to be seen as a 'bad dad.'

"You can't just get me all worked up over this and then let me down! You sai-"

"Joey." Nate growled.

He started to cry. He put his head in his hands right as Audrey walked out of the kitchen. She obviously heard everything so she didn't ask any questions as she laid the plates down on the rotting wood of the dining table.

"Why would you do this!" Joey's yelled.

"Shut the fuck up, you brat." I snapped, "who gives a shit about your chips."

"Harry!" My mum scolded me. I raised a brow as if to say What?

"I know you wanted to say the same thing." Mum would never have said it though, she is too polite to scold children that aren't her own.

"Get out!" She yelled to me. "I'm sure one of your friends will be sober enough to pick you up." Insulting my friends, huh? That was rude.

"What the fuck?" I don't want to go to the fucking party.

"Harry! Just go."

"Fine, fuck." I put my phone into my pocket, only to pull it out again when I got outside. I called Liam and then Zayn but neither of them answered, and I think Louis changed his number a few days ago. I call his old number anyway and he suprisingly answers.

I tell him to pick me up about a street away from where I am, I will walk to where he'll meet me instead of standing in this rain like a loser.

He complains a bit when he realises he has to leave the party, but arrives nonetheless.



Hey guys, Merry Christmas (bit late I know) and Happy new year :) I'm so sorry for the huge gap between updates but Idk I just get busy and I always get writers block so I try my best.

Joey's character was actually based off a real person and that's how I got the idea for this chapter.

So yeah, have a good rest of the holidays.

also, who wants to bitch about this bitch called holly scally bc if she isn't really nialls gf the hashtags she used are a bit embarrassing lmao

peace out

- Alexo

the ballast of life // narry (slow updates) boyxboyWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu