Love Notes

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Hey Guys!!

Hahahah dont get too excited but it's just a note from lil' ol' me and not a bonus chapter or anything like that. I just wanted to drop in and say a BIG HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who has taken the time to read 'The Segment'. Astonishingly, we've hit 16K reads and I am beyond grateful for the influx of new readers. Usually I would personally thank everyone who added 'The Segment' into their reading lists or voted for it. However, with the way things are now personal circumstances and all, I am unable to do so. But believe me when I say that I am loving having you guys here and reading my work. 

For those of you who have progressed to read 'Heaven From Here' after completing 'The Segment' just be patient with me. I have removed all the chapters for some editing. I have been writing a bit for it but I find that I am not too satisfied with how some of the earlier chapters are, hence the need for editing to make sure it ties up a bit better. 

I hope everyone is doing well and is staying safe!

Lots of Love, Farah 

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