38. Monogrammed Initials

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"Miss, we're here."

Farrah jolted up, when the Uber driver's voice cut through the fog that surrounded her mind. She swallowed thickly and mumbled a quickly apology. Quickly sorting out her payment, she hopped out of the car and waited as the driver helped her with the bags. A thank you later, she made her way up to her flat.

All she wanted to do now was to strip off his shirt. Every brush of the fabric against her skin left her uneasy. It was a reminder of what had happened. She felt this need to scratch the itch that the brushing of the fabric against her skin caused. Is this how a broken heart feels?, she mused. She wasn't sure if what she felt was heartbreak, all she felt was her skin crawling with uneasiness.

After she had left the suite, she had rushed into her room and started packing up. Still wearing Richard's shirt. Rachel had come knocking on her door. She noticed Rachel gave her a funny look, but she avoided her gaze.

"Farrah, I'm not going to ask what happened...but you need to wash the sad of your face, sweetheart. And maybe, hide the initials monogrammed on the breast pocket," Rachel said gently, watching her carefully.

Dumbly, Farrah nodded and headed into the bathroom. She switched on the tap and as the water flowed, so did a few errant tears. With rough movements she wiped the tears away and splashed water on her face. She came out of the bathroom with her arms loaded with toiletries and packed those up.

When she was finally done with packing, she wore her leather jacket and zipped it up. The oversized sunglasses that Richard had donned early that morning was now covering her eyes. She left her hair down, simple because she didn't have the energy to deal with it. She kept to herself telling everyone that she was tired and feeling ill.

The door unlocked with a click and Farrah walked into the dark hallway. She knew she was going to be alone tonight. Once Charlie was done with her shift at Paani, she would be heading off to Ben's place to spend some time with him. As she slowly walked into her home, she switched on the lights and placed her shoes at the rack. She couldn't help but think back to the first night that Richard came over.

She had helped him with his watch and at the same time had wondered about him, about who he was. It was jarring to see, her tanned fingers against his fair pale skin. Farrah walked into the kitchen first to take a glass of water. As she lifted up the glass to drink; she paused. She remembered how Richard looked at her, eyes full of desire for her as he offered to help with the dishes. She also remembered his insecurity, his need for physical touch.

Swallowing thickly, she dragged her luggage behind her as she walked through the living room to get to her room. She tried to keep her eyes off the couch, but like a moth to a flame it was drawn there.

I am falling irrevocably in love with you.

That was what he said to her that night. Tears clouded her vision once more, as she thought about the beautiful, complicated, wonderful, sad, and gentle man who was in love with her.

She rushed into her room and without delay almost ripped the shirt off her back. She held it in her hand, poised to throw it into the bin but her eyes fell on the monogrammed alphabets on the breast pocket. A sob tore through her as she lovingly ran her hands over the stitching.

Wiping her tears and taking deep breaths she tried to calm herself as she walked to the laundry bin. She ran her fingers on last time over the initials and put it into the pile of dirty clothes. The tears kept flowing as she silently unpacked her luggage. As she was wiping her tears, her phone rang.

"Hello," she said her voice thick with tears, as she sat down on the bed she rolled her eyes.

"Sorry, 'Slamlaikum Saif," Farrah smiled through her tears.

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