Part 14

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Khalid arrived at Block 3, Neo Tiew Estate in no time. It was a row of run-down four-storey blocks. He did quick math and knew that Zaryn and Syirah could be in any one of the 40 units in the building.

Come on Khalid, think like a criminal. Which unit would you choose for a hiding spot? Not the ones closest to the road because it'll make it easy for the police to locate. Not the highest floor in case Zaryn needs to jump to escape. The one with firefighter access so that there are more points of entry and exit.

Khalid ran to the end of the block and looked for the unit with an attached ladder. He made a mental note of its location then took giant leaps up the stairs to find his mother. He scattered mud all along to guide the path.

Chuchak! Khalid turned to the sound of gun cock.

"Khalid! Of course, you found us. You are MY son. You inherited MY intelligence." Zaryn pointed the gun at his son and gestured at him to move inside.

"Not too smart though, you came alone to an armed man without any weapon." Zaryn frisked Khalid from head to toe.

"Lucky I've got an extra chair for you to join your mother. Sit!" Zaryn tied Khalid to the chair next to Syirah.

"What have you done to Ibu? Why is she unconscious?"

"She'll wake up soon enough. Watch." Zaryn placed his gun on the floor. He used a scoop from a filled bucket and splashed water on Syirah's face. She woke up with a jolt.

"Ibu, I'm here for you. I'm sorry I caused this."

"Khalid, there's nothing you can do that I will never forgive. You're my son. My flesh and blood."

A uniformed man sneaked from behind Zaryn and jumped on him, pinning him to the floor.

"Zaryn bin Hassan, you are under arrest."

Arrested for the second time. It was an unceremonious departure.

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