Part 13

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When Syirah opened her eyes, everything around her was a blur. She felt fuzzy and could not remember how she ended up there. She tried to move her hands when she realized she was tied to a chair. Her hands and feet were bound. Disoriented from the drug, she made no effort to free herself or examine her surroundings. She may have seen a silhouette of a man in the dim light. Was it getting closer or was she hallucinating? She tittered at herself.

"Syirah, wake up. Drink this, you'll feel better." Zaryn poured some funny tasting liquid in her mouth. She regained consciousness bit by bit.

"Zaryn? What are you up to you sick bastard! Untie me! Let me go! HELP! HELP!"

"Shhhh..relax. No one can hear you scream here. There's no point. I won't hurt you. I want you to sign this then I'll let you off."

"What's this?"

"It's a deed to transfer three-quarter of your assets to me. I'm not taking it all, I left a quarter for you and our son. I am not greedy, I need enough to escape from here and settle somewhere comfortably."

"Over my dead body!"

Zaryn slapped Syirah with great force that she lost consciousness again.


"Khalid, let's go to the police right away."

"Hang on, I am trying to track the last location of Ibu's phone."

The speed of his ultra-fast internet plan is insufficient in times like this.

"Shit. Its last location is here. Zaryn must have captured her the moment she left home. I made it easy for him because I drugged my mother!"

"Stay calm Khalid. You need to have a clear head to solve this. Use that forensic scientist brain of yours."

"Okay okay. First thing, let's look around for clues." Khalid composed himself and put on his investigator's hat. He walked through the whole house again. From the kitchen, to the living room, to the balcony, to the store room, to his room, the toilets and the master bedroom. He scanned the last room into every nook and cranny. There it is! He picked up the little black USB cable.

"That's your clue?" Nikky thought his friend had gone insane.

"Assuming Zaryn had been in jail for the past 25 years, he'll be clueless about the latest gadgets. The phone is not the only device that tracks location, dumbass. I gave Ibu a Fitbit device and she always wore it. It's synced to my laptop. Let's hope Zaryn did not remove it from her."

"Damn bro, I told you there's something in that brain of yours!"

"Bingo! Found the location! Nikky, go to the police with this information, I will drive up there now!"

"Bro, are you crazy? Zaryn might be violent, or worse, he might have a whole gang of ex-convicts guarding the place. Don't go alone!"

"Hurry, we don't have time to argue." Khalid scooted off without a care in the world.


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