Part 3

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The moment they arrived, Khalid jumped out of the car and dashed upstairs to his grandmother's room. He lost his footing and stumbled a little on the timber staircase that he had climbed up and down most of his life.

"Nenek, it's me Khalid. I just got back. How are you nenek? I missed you so much!" Khalid threw himself at Adina and gave a long bear hug. He kissed her on her right cheek then left cheek then back on the right cheek and again on the left cheek.

Adina giggled then cupped his face. There was something child-like about the look that Khalid had never seen before.

"Come, Khalid let's go downstairs to eat. Nenek will prepare your favourite fish and chips."

Khalid chuckled. "Nenek, fish and chips was my favourite when I was in primary school. Have you forgotten that since I broke my voice, I taunted you for nasi lemak every day."

Adina blinked and turned her head for two seconds. When she returned to Khalid, she repeated her sentence.

"Come, Khalid let's go downstairs to eat. Nenek will prepare your favourite fish and chips."

"Nenek are you pranking me?" Khalid wasn't sure if he should laugh.

"She is not doing that on purpose Khalid. Your grandmother's condition has worsened." Rosnani interrupted.

"Who are you? Where is Dewi? Get out! I don't need you!" Adina shouted at Rosnani then she turned to Khalid.

"Why are you here, young man? Who are you? Please go away!" Adina pushed Khalid and Rosnani out of the room.

Rosnani hurried downstairs to get Dewi. Khalid raced after her.

"Dewi, go check on ma'am." Rosnani yelled.

"Mama Ros, what happened to nenek?"

"Your nenek has vascular dementia and it advanced over the past year. She's a different person now. She forgets most things. She tends to repeat herself over and over again. Sometimes she gets into a state of paranoia which you've witnessed. She leans on Dewi alone. For the rest of us, we are lucky if we get to spend half an hour with her before she panics and yells for Dewi."

Khalid clasped onto a chair and sniffled, attempting to hide his anguish. The walls within that held him together started to crumble. Rosnani instinctively edged towards him and placed his face on her chest. He sobbed like a distressed child.

Nenek. My favourite person. How could this happen to her? I was so selfish. I should have called often. I should have visited regularly. I should have stayed in Singapore. I lost all that time with her and now she doesn't even recognize me. How could nenek forget me? It can't be. No. Nenek...

Rosnani patted and hushed Khalid for as long as he needed to process his grief.


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