Chapter 14: Titans vs Justice League

Start from the beginning

But her train of thought was cut short when Reaper managed to slice her cheek.

Red exclaims in pain and quickly turns into rose petals to get some distance before her dad tried to get the upper hand.

She wipes her cheek and hissed in pain; her eyes then widen as an idea came to mind.

"Yang, Hit him with all your power!" She exclaimed as she dodges her dad's sword.

"What? Why?" Goldie questioned.

"These things are the same thing that took control of Wizard. They'll only leave the body if the host takes on enough damage!" Red exclaimed as she blocks Reaper's sword and then turns her scythe to plant it into the ground.

And before he could retaliate, she punches him across the face hard enough to make him stagger backwards.

Goldie nods her head and sighed as slams her fist together as her hair started to glow and burst into flames. "Let hopes this works." She muttered as she rushes forward and delivered a punch so powerful that the huntsman was sent flying and picked up the concrete as he skids across the ground.

Once the dust glared the girls watch as the demonic huntsman gets up, "Alright time for drastic measures." Red stated as she uses her semblance to go behind him.

And before he could do anything Red positions her scythe and then rushes forward. But instead of using her blade she used the blunt end of her weapon to hit her target, which was the Huntsman's crotch.

"DAMN!" Goldie exclaims in shock and covers her mouth with her hand.

Reaper's entire body stiffened, he then let out a high pitch squeal and falls helplessly to the ground writhing in pain and holding his family jewels.

A second latter the Huntsman lets out a strangled growl as Trigon's magic exist his body which made him immediately fall unconscious.

"Sorry about that dad." Red said smiling halfheartedly.

Suddenly she heard Robin exclaimed, "Beetle!" and when she turned to look at the boy wonder she gasped when she saw Flash slam into him and then pin him against a piece of debris and uses his powers to phase his hand through his torso.

And unknowing to the Huntress, as she bared witness to this horror, her eyes started to dimly glow and only got brighter as she came to her senses. "Damian!" Red exclaimed and was about to come to his rescue when Cyborg side blinds her with his blaster.

Landing onto the ground with a thud the Huntress groans and starts to get up but Cyborg then grabs her by her neck and lift her up from the ground.

And at that same time Starfire comes flying through the window and lands on the ground.

Wonder Woman slams her foot right on top of Starfire and pulls the Lasso of Truth around her neck.

"I will break her, Raven." She proclaimed tightening the hold to raises Starfire's head up.

Cyborg activated his blaster and placed it on Red's stomach, "This Child of Light will die too." He proclaimed.

"I stop my hand for an instant and this one dies, too." Flash said looking at her.

"Let my sister go!" Goldie exclaimed and was ready to fight.

"No! Yang, they'll kill them!" Raven warned stopping the blonde from making a reckless move.

She then looks at the demonic Justice League. "I'll go. As the Daughter of your Lord Trigon, I order you to release these feeble humans." Raven said as she takes off her hood as her appearance changed to her demonic one.

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