Chapter 8: The Teen Titans

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Damian and Ruby glumly looked out the window of the Batmobile while Dick drives. "I could've driven us myself." Damian stated.

Dick looks at him amused "After the stunt you pulled? You're lucky to be allowed within 10 feet of a steering wheel." He said speeding up.

"So, this is our punishment? Enduring a bunch of school children?" Damian questioned.

"This is not punishment. Hopefully, you'll learn to be part of a team." Dick proclaimed.

"And they're not children. They're teenagers." He added.

"Worse." Damian stated and went back to looking out of the window.

"Same." Ruby agreed.

"Don't tell me Damian Wayne and Ruby Rose are afraid of a little socializing?" He teased.

Damian glares at the former Robin "I'm not afraid of anything. Teammates are a liability." He stated.

"Really? Then what am Ruby and I to you?" Dick asked.

"You're an unavoidable irritation. And Ruby beloved and as a result, she is my equal." Damian replied.

Dick chuckles "What about you Ruby? Are you afraid to socialize?" he asked.

Ruby rolled her eyes, "No. I just don't see the benefit in being in a team would do for me to become a better Huntress. I am perfectly fine on my own. The only reason I fight well with Damian is since we've been around each other for so long."

"At least she gets it." Damian stated.

"But why am I here?" Yang asked.

Dick chuckled, "Well, while you do understand the lesson of teamwork you still played a part in their little stunt. So, you will be joining them."

The blonde thinks about it for a moment before agreeing with the reason. "Fair enough."

"Is that a giant 'T'?" Ruby asked as the Titan Tower came into view.

3 minutes later they finally arrived at the tower "Try not to behead anyone." Dick said to Damian.

He looks at Ruby and said, "And try to keep him in line."

"Would do you think I've been doing?" Ruby questioned.

Opening the door, Dick gets out and walks over to Starfire.

"Nightwing." She said shaking his hand "Starfire." Dick said.

Both Damian and Ruby walked over and looked between the two and could tell there was some chemistry.

"It's been a while." Starfire said fondly.

"I know. You're looking good." He complimented.

Normally Ruby would find this sweet but since she was forced to join a team, she is getting really impatient.

Thankfully, Dick let go of the Tamaranian's hand and gestures to Ruby and Damian.

"This is Damian the new Robin. And she's Ruby, she's known as the Red Huntress." Dick introduced.

He then points his thumb to Yang, "This is Yang, she's Ruby's cousin and is known as the Golden Dragon." He added.

"Welcome, Damian, Ruby, and Yang." Starfire said smiling.

Damian did not say anything and just walk towards the Tower "I'll be in our room." Damian stated.

"Would you like to..." before Starfire could finish her question Damian cuts her off "I think I can manage." He proclaimed and walks away.

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